Chapter 1678
Huo Qilin looked at Princess Xiangxiang with a gloomy expression: "Why?"

Princess Xiangxiang bit her lip, not wanting to mention the demon queen Lizhu, but Huo Qilin was obviously unhappy and very angry.

Princess Xiangxiang didn't want to make Huo Qilin unhappy, so she whispered, "That's where the Demon Empress lives? My royal father said that no one is allowed to enter the place where the Demon Empress lives."

Chu Yunxi smiled and said, "We've already reached the door of the Demon Empress. Why don't you pass through the door? It's too rude. We should visit the Demon Empress. Anyway? The son-in-law is going to marry Princess, the Demon Empress is the hostess of the Demon Clan, so why don't you visit her?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Princess Xiangxiang said in embarrassment: "It's not that I don't let you in, the Demon Empress has a very bad temper, and no one is allowed to enter her yard."

After Princess Xiangxiang finished speaking, Yan Heng in front had strode towards the courtyard where the demon queen Li Zhu lived.

Later, Chu Yunxi's eyes darkened for a moment. She knew that Yan Heng wanted to see the Demon Queen Li Zhu wholeheartedly, because when she saw Li Zhu, she knew whether his mother had married the Demon King Li Yan.

if?Chu Yunxi didn't dare to think deeply, the group walked to the gate of the Demon Queen Lizhu's courtyard, Yan Heng pushed the door and was about to enter, when a person flashed out from the door, Chu Yunxi looked up and recognized this person It was the woman who entered their room that night and fed them the antidote pill.

The woman is no longer young, but she is still very beautiful, but her expression is a little cold.

She looked up at the few people in front of the door coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Princess, what are you doing here?"

Princess Xiangxiang was obviously afraid of this woman, and said quickly, "Okay, I'll take them away."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Huo Qilin and said, "My son-in-law, let's go."

Huo Qilin's mood is indescribably depressed, Ma, you sister.

It's just that although he cursed in his heart, it didn't show on his face.

In front of the door, Yan Heng clasped his fists persistently and said: "We are members of the Qilin clan, and we happened to pass by the door of the Demon Empress, and we should meet according to the etiquette."

The Huo Qilin was completely dumbfounded at the back, when did this guy become a member of the Qilin family, and can this face be thicker?shameless.

Huo Qilin was cursing in his heart when a cold voice came from the courtyard where the Demon Empress lived.

"Yuwan, bring in the Qilin family."

The woman named Yu Wan in front of the door responded immediately, and then invited Yan Heng Huo Qilin and others to enter.

But when Princess Xiangxiang wanted to go in, Yuwan directly blocked her way.

"Princess, please come back."

"You?" Princess Xiangxiang was furious, but when she looked into Yuwan's cold eyes, she subconsciously took a step back. In front of her, Yuwan had already closed the door with a slamming sound.

Outside the door, Princess Xiangxiang was so angry that her face was covered with black lines, and the girl serving beside her snorted even more angrily, "Princess, they are too bullying."

"Hmph, don't let me in, I'll just wait in front of the door."

Princess Xiangxiang said angrily, to be honest, if her father hadn't given the order, she would have kicked the door open, and a little girl dared to be rude to her.

But Princess Xiangxiang didn't dare, because although the royal father doesn't dote on the Lizhu demon queen, he forbids anyone to disturb her, and anyone who violates it will die.

Therefore, in the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals, ordinary people dare not disturb Lizhu Demon Queen.

But why did the son-in-law go in, and why did the Demon Queen Lizhu see them again.

(End of this chapter)

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