Chapter 1707 It's Really Her
Xia Houxuan gave Chu Yunxi a hard look, then followed Li Yan's pace and left.

In the imperial garden behind, Chu Yunxi frowned strangely and looked out of the imperial garden.

Why, why did she feel that someone was looking at her, but when she looked closely, she couldn't see anything.

Chu Yunxi only struggled with it for a while, and then she stopped worrying, because right now all her attention is on the empress queen, how to get close to her, and how to ask her about the past.

Did she know, or didn't know what happened back then.

In Chu Yunxi's tangled gap, today's audition for the prince's concubine has ended, and there are more than 20 people left.

The queen ordered: "Place the remaining people in Tianji Palace."

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs responded immediately, and the empress turned to her son and said seriously.

"Get along well with others, stay if you agree, if you don't get along again, see how I let your father teach you."

As soon as he mentioned this, Li Tian immediately didn't dare to cause trouble, and said obediently: "Queen Mother, it's better to say goodbye, I will get along with them, and don't disturb the king about this matter."

The queen smiled with satisfaction. Chu Yunxi looked up at the queen and Li Tian. Although she hadn't seen Li Yan yet, she could tell from the clues that it was Li Yan, the queen and Li Tian. Their family is actually doing well.

And their appearance, I'm afraid it will break the balance of this family.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came and took them to Tianji Palace for resettlement, while those women who were not selected were all sent out with mournful faces.

Tianji Palace was built for the prince's wedding, so there are many courtyards inside.

There were not many people left behind in the audition for the prince and concubine, so the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranged for the two of them to share a courtyard. In the courtyard, there was a little girl who was in charge of running errands, and there was also a kitchen for cooking.

Chu Yunxi lived in the same courtyard with a woman named Shen Luqi.

Because they are rivals in love, Shen Luqi didn't say a word to Chu Yunxi from the beginning to the end. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she chose her own residence, and then went into her own place to think about how to seduce the prince.

Seeing her like this, Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, right now she has no intention of playing tricks with these women.

Shen Luqi just ignored her.

Chu Yunxi lifted his foot and walked into the room on the other side. Shen Luqi chose the three rooms on the east side, and Chu Yunxi went into the three rooms on the west side.

Not long after she entered the room, Yan Heng came in from the window.

As soon as he came in, he looked at Chu Yunxi with deep eyes, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Chu Yunxi knew that he was eager to know whether the woman in the demon palace was his mother, which made her unable to speak for a while.

Yan Heng on the opposite side knew the truth, he spoke slowly, his brows and eyes were full of sternness.

"It's really her."

After he finished speaking, he sneered suddenly: "Okay, that's great. She married an enemy who killed her husband and son. Is such a person worthy of living?"

At this moment, Yan Heng's heart was filled with murderous intent. Chu Yunxi walked over, stretched out his hand to hold his hand, and said softly: "Don't get excited, I don't think she should be such a person. I looked carefully before, and her The eyebrows and eyes are very happy, without any haze or sadness, what does this mean."

"It means that she has never suffered any setbacks in her heart. No one can erase the tragedy that happened that year, but she seemed to be okay. So I guess, those bad memories of hers were caused by the demon king Liyan. , Sealed it with means.”

(End of this chapter)

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