Chapter 1708

Chu Yunxi's words comforted Yan Heng.

He slowly said: "I want to kill Li Yan and that evil seed, and then take her back."

She must guard her father for the rest of her life to redeem the mistakes she has made over the years.

In the room, seeing him settle down, Chu Yunxi reached out and pulled him to the side to sit down, and then she let out the fire in the space.

"Huohuo, can I trouble you with something?"

Huo Qilin said straightforwardly: "As long as I am not allowed to marry Princess Laoshizi, I can do whatever I want."

Before Chu Yunxi asked Huo Qilin to marry Princess Xiangxiang as his wife, this has become the shadow of Lord Qilin.

Chu Yunxi looked at him amusedly and said, "I won't let you marry any more. I want you to take Xueyin and Caique to the palace to find out where the queen lives now. Let's go to the palace where the queen lives tonight, meet the queen, and see what happened in the past?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Huo Qilin readily agreed.

"Okay, I'll help you with this right away."

Huo Qilin left with the two big monsters, and Chu Yunxi talked with Yan Heng in the room.

"When I was in the audition at the Royal Garden, I always felt that someone was staring at me in the dark, but I looked carefully, but I didn't find anyone."

Chu Yunxi said in confusion, Yan Heng stretched out his arms to hug her and said, "Maybe someone thought you look good, so they took a second look. The people in this magic city don't know us."

After Chu Yunxi thought about it, it was indeed such a reason, so she stopped thinking about it.

She asked Yan Heng concerned: "What are you going to do, get your mother together?"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Heng leaned over and kissed her lips, and after a lingering kiss, he spoke slowly.

"I'll take her back. She doesn't belong here. My father is still waiting for her there."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yunxi knew Yan Heng's plan, which was to take Hua Xiluo back to the Heavenly Phoenix Empire to guard the imperial tomb for the late emperor.

But will Li Yan and Li Tian agree?Can Yan Heng take them away?
If they take people away forcibly, Li Yan and Li Tian will not let it go, I am afraid that the two races of humans and demons will fight, is this really okay?
Chu Yunxi had a headache for a while, but she didn't know what to say.

It was night, and the entire Tianji Palace was quiet, only the place where Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi lived could hear whispers.

In the room, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were listening to Huo Qilin telling them where the queen's palace was.

"Look, this is the blueprint I drew. We can reach the queen's palace quickly along this road, but I heard people say that the king of the demon world has always lived with the queen, and the relationship between the two of them is very good. So even if we know where the queen is, I'm afraid we won't be able to talk to him."

After hearing Huo Qilin's words, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were stunned for a while, and did not speak for a long time.

The room was quiet, and at this moment, there was an overwhelming fierce aura approaching from the dark, and that aura was very compelling.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's expressions changed, and they cried out inwardly.

Chu Yunxi couldn't help thinking about what happened during the day. Before that, she always felt that someone was staring at her, and that look was definitely not as simple as seeing her beautiful.

Could it be that someone recognized her identity and told Li Yan?

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, so now Li Yan brought people to destroy them.

(End of this chapter)

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