Chapter 206 I Will Not Force You
Mu Xiu immediately replied: "The lord asked us to check one thing earlier, whether the Holy Majesty will hold a banquet for the prince's concubine selection in the palace tonight, and the subordinates went to check. It's about the banquet."

After hearing Mu Xiu's words, Chu Yunxi knew in his heart that Yan Heng was afraid that he would slap the members of Yuwen's family in the face.

Naturally, her affairs were indispensable, Chu Yunxi took Mu Xiu and others all the way into the East Hall study where Yan Heng was.

In the study, Yan Heng heard the movement, and raised her head to look at the person walking in front of the door. The woman in the lead had a cool and elegant charm, and her gestures were like a painting. The temperament is as bright as Zhaohua.

Yan Heng finally understands why others say that Chu Yunxi is a great beauty. Her beauty is not only her appearance, but also her unique charm like an orchid in an empty valley. When she was dark before, this unique charm was ignored by people. up.

Now that she has turned white, this unique charm is displayed in front of others, allowing people to see at a glance the beautiful and transparent aura emanating from her from the inside to the outside.

Yan Heng's eyes narrowed, but he didn't stare too much at Chu Yunxi's appearance, which made Chu Yunxi feel much more comfortable. Yan Heng was different from others.

"Tonight, the old emperor in the palace held a banquet for the selection of the prince's concubine. How about we go into the palace for a walk?"

Yan Heng's slightly drunken voice was a bit cold, thinking that the old emperor was thinking about his death, his heart was very angry. He had made great contributions to Dong Chen in the past few years, but the old emperor not only did not reward him generously. He is a hero, but he still wants him to die.

The reason why he was poisoned was also the hands and feet of the old emperor, so how could he not return it to him.

Thinking about it, Yan Heng raised her eyes to look at Chu Yunxi and said, "Tonight, this king will take advantage of your affairs to slap those shameless people from the Yuwen family in the face, but this matter is nothing to you. It's a good thing, because after this incident, the old emperor and Yu Wenye may hate you, and they may not let you go in the future."

"So if you don't want to participate in tonight's event, the king will not force you."

The two had agreed to cooperate in advance. If Chu Yunxi was unwilling, Yan Heng, as a man, would not force a woman to do things that were not good for him.

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly and said: "Even if there is no such thing, I am afraid that the old emperor and Yu Wenye will not let me go. The men of Yuwen's family are too narrow-minded."

"Then you agree?"

Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi with deep eyes. At this time, Chu Yunxi was like a painting. Just looking at it made people feel happy.

Chu Yunxi nodded: "I agree, I will accompany you into the palace tonight."

"Then you go back and clean up, and enter the palace with the king at night."

When Yan Heng opened his mouth, Chu Yunxi remembered that he had to go out to find antidote medicinal materials for his younger brother Chu Yunzhao, so he hurriedly said, "There is still a long time before night, I will go out for a walk, and I will be back soon."

Yan Heng raised her eyebrows, her phoenix eyes raised lightly, and her voice was provocative.

"What are you going out for?"

Chu Yunxi didn't hide anything, and told about Chu Yutang poisoning Zhaozhao before.

"Zhao Zhao has residual poison in his body. If this residual poison stays in his body forever, it will damage the essence of his body, so I plan to go out and find some detoxifying medicinal materials to relieve the residual poison for him."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng said calmly: "You write down the medicinal materials needed for detoxification, and give them to Mu Xiu, and let Mu Xiu send someone out to find them for you. You'd better stay in the palace and clean them up. Tonight You must slap Yuwen Lingtian and Yuwen Ye severely."

(End of this chapter)

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