Chapter 207 I just put a veil on you
After hearing what Yan Heng said, Chu Yunxi did not object, on the contrary she was a little happy.

Because some of the medicinal materials that Zhaozhao needs are difficult to find, but if this matter is handed over to the people of Yanling Palace, they will definitely find all the medicinal materials quickly.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, in the study, Mu Xiu had already spoken: "The princess writes to me the medicinal materials needed for detoxification, and I will finish this matter for the princess as soon as possible."

"There are Lao Mu guards."

Mu Xiu hurriedly said, "Princess, you can call me by my name."

Chu Yunxi smiled lightly and said, "Okay, then I ask Mu Xiu to worry more."

In the study room, the interaction between Chu Yunxi and Mu Xiu made Wei Li feel depressed. He couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment. Logically, he hated Chu Yunxi, but seeing the relationship between Chu Yunxi and Mu Xiu The relationship is getting more and more harmonious, and he feels very uncomfortable.

In the study, Yan Heng saw that his subordinates treated Chu Yunxi very respectfully, and he was very satisfied, after all, Chu Yunxi was his princess right now.

"Okay, you go back and clean up properly, and go to the palace with the king to have a banquet at night."

"Yes, my lord."

Chu Yunxi retreated in response, and behind him Mu Xiu and Yan Heng followed Chu Yunxi after saying hello.

In the study, as soon as Chu Yunxi and Mu Xiu left, Fu Sheng said happily: "My lord, the princess has indeed become more beautiful. She and the lord are truly worthy. I can imagine that the princess will be very angry if she appears at the banquet in the palace tonight." The old emperor and Yu Wenye died together."

"This is just the beginning."

Yan Heng said gloomyly, he will not make things easier for those members of Yuwen's family.

The old emperor didn't want him to live, so he didn't need to let him live. It's still unknown who will die.

At night, when the lights came on, the luxurious carriage of Yanling Prince's Mansion slowly drove towards the palace.

At this time, the carriages of the major families had already entered the palace, and the carriage of Yanling Prince's Mansion was the last one.

The reason why Yan Heng entered the palace so late was to wait for the old emperor and others to arrive before reappearing.

Only in that way can the old emperor, Yu Wenye and others be slapped severely in the face.

If he had arrived earlier, the old emperor might have an excuse not to show up. In that case, would what he did make sense?
In the luxurious carriage, Yan Heng leaned lazily on the soft couch. On the other side of the soft couch, Chu Yunxi sat casually. Under the misty light, her already beautiful eyebrows and eyes became more delicate and charming. , Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi and had to admit one thing, such a smart and good-looking woman is rare in the world, if he let her go.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to find such a woman to be the princess of Yanling Palace, and he can't even think of anyone more suitable to be his princess than her.

So is he going to let her go?
Yan Heng thought about raising her hand towards Chu Yunxi's face. Chu Yunxi was already uncomfortable being stared at by Yan Heng, but when Yan Heng moved, she subconsciously stepped back, Yan Heng's eyes darkened, Dark Magnetic's deep voice sounded.

"What are you hiding from? This king is just putting on a veil for you."

Chu Yunxi quickly looked at Yan Heng's hand, and saw that the man was holding a white veil in his hand.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to grab it, but Yan Heng raised his hand to avoid it. He leaned slightly, and stretched out his hand to put on the veil for Chu Yunxi.

In this way, the distance between the two of them was very close, and Yan Heng's breath touched Chu Yunxi's face.

 Is this guy really just wanting to wear a veil?
(End of this chapter)

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