Chapter 208 Refusing to Approach
Chu Yunxi was really not used to such a distance, she subconsciously wanted to back away, but Yan Heng's soft voice rang in her ears: "Don't move."

He unhurriedly put on the veil for Chu Yunxi, and then stepped back a little.

"Is the princess not used to being touched by this king?"

Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng, not knowing what this man wanted to do, but she didn't want to get too involved with him.

"My lord, don't do this kind of thing again."

She is not used to others getting too close to her.

Chu Yunxi's resistance made Yan Heng's heart feel as if a small needle had been pricked in his heart. His eyes were dim, and a cold air slowly overflowed from the bottom of his pupils.

Chu Yunxi rejected him directly. According to reason, he should push her out of the car in anger, but he couldn't open his mouth, and thinking of her resistance, he felt indescribably depressed.

Yan Heng knew that Chu Yunxi's behavior had nothing to do with him, because the two met at the wrong time, and the damage had already been done.

But thinking that she will leave Yanling Palace in the future, Yan Heng is not happy, so is he going to coax her?

Yan Heng thought about it and said in a gentle voice: "You are my concubine, shouldn't this king do such a thing for you?"

His voice was indescribably charming, and Chu Yunxi was stunned. At first, she thought that Yan Heng would turn from shame to anger when she rejected Yan Heng, but she didn't expect that this man didn't get angry, not only didn't get angry, but also treated him gently look.

Is Yan Heng mentally ill?Chu Yunxi really wanted to reach out and probe Yan Heng's forehead to see if he had a fever and was talking nonsense.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't have time to take any action, the carriage stopped suddenly, and a cold shout came from outside: "Stop, who is it?"

It turned out that the carriage had already arrived at the gate of the palace, and the guards in the palace stopped the carriage of Yanling Palace.

In the car, Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, she was really not used to being with Yan Heng like this.

On the side of the carriage, Yan Heng naturally saw her look in his eyes, his eyes flickered, he didn't say anything, but lifted the curtain to look out.

In front of the palace gate, several figures blocked the carriage of Yanling Palace, and the leader pointed his sword at the carriage of Yanling Palace.

A murderous look flashed across Yan Heng's narrow and deep phoenix eyes, and a bloody smile was drawn on the corners of his lips.

Heh, he hasn't died yet, these guards don't pay much attention to the Yanling Palace, it seems that if he doesn't show up, the Yanling Palace can only be reduced to the target of bullying in the future.

Yan Heng said gloomyly: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly, whose carriage is this?"

Outside the car, the guards in the palace heard Yan Heng's shout, and all of them looked unhappy, and the leader said angrily: "What's wrong with the carriage in the Yanling Palace, tonight, the emperor ordered a banquet for the guests. There are no people from Yanling Palace."

Yan Heng's eyes were full of blood, the old emperor was slapping the face of the Yan family nakedly, and there were obviously unmarried girls of the right age in the Yan family, but he didn't order the old concubine to take Yan Xue Ying enters the palace.

The old emperor really wanted to let everyone in Dongchen Capital know how much he hated seeing the Yan family.

The aura on Yan Heng's body became more and more cold and cold, and when he finally raised his hand, a powerful source of energy gushed out, and with a bang, several figures in front of the palace gate were directly sent flying, crashing into those behind him. On the palace gate.

Wei Li and the others rushed forward and shouted angrily: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly, you dare to stop my prince, you really want to die."

(End of this chapter)

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