Chapter 230 Playmate
Chu Yunxi turned her head to look at Chu Yuyan, her eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts, Chu Yuyan felt secretly uneasy in her captivating eyes.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Chu Yunxi frowned and snorted coldly: "Don't follow us, we have something to do."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi took Zhao Zhao, Qing Yan Qing Wu and others all the way to the slave farm.

It was not easy for Chu Yuyan to follow behind, she looked at the person who had gone away with a gloomy expression, and snorted coldly.

Bitch, what are you pretending to be, you are not that woman Chu Yunxi at all.

The more Chu Yuyan thought about it, the more this possibility became possible. Didn't she know what kind of person Chu Yunxi was in the past?That is a cowardly and humble person. Ever since his uncle and aunt died in battle five years ago, Chu Yunxi is no longer the Chu Yunxi he used to be.

So now this woman is fake, yes, it must be.

Chu Yunxi didn't know what Chu Yuyan was thinking, so she led Zhao Zhao and Qing Yan into the slave market.

The slave market is huge, and slaves locked in cages can be seen everywhere. Those slaves have scars and blood on their faces.

Looking at all this, Chu Yunxi felt very uncomfortable. In this world, the weak are not human at all, they are victims who buy and sell at will.

This is also the reason why she endured humiliation and lived in Yanling Palace before, because she has no strength, if she falls into the hands of the strong, she will become a slave in the slave market, unless she is strong enough, she will not be bullying.

Chu Yunxi walked forward while thinking, Zhao Zhao followed her, sighing from time to time.

"Sister, they are so pitiful, why are they locked in a cage?"

Chu Yunxi said with a heavy heart: "Because in this world the weak are preyed on by the strong, the strong rule the country, and the weak do not even have the most basic ability to survive, so when Zhao Zhao is detoxified, you must work hard to cultivate Yuanli, because my sister can't protect you forever. "

Chu Yunzhao looked at the people locked in the cage, and nodded vigorously: "Sister, I know."

After he finished speaking, he walked to a cage where several children were held. At this time, one of the children in the cage seemed to be dying. He was struggling to hold on to the iron fence, and his big eyes showed the desire to survive, looking desperately at the cage. people passing by.

It's a pity that none of the passers-by gave him a look of pity. His hands were tightly grasped, and he was panting hard.

When he saw Zhao Zhao standing by the cage, he desperately opened his mouth, save me, please save me, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to...
His eyes are fixed on the outside of the cage, that little boy who is too beautiful, will he be his salvation?

Zhao Zhao naturally saw the child in the cage calling for help, he quickly turned his head to look at Chu Yunxi and said, "Sister, save him, or he will die."

Chu Yunxi looked at the child in the cage, and found that the child had a strong will to survive. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago, but he was still holding on even with only one breath left.

Chu Yunxi nodded: "Then you have chosen him to be your playmate?"

"Well, sister, I want him, let him be my playmate."

"it is good."

Chu Yunxi immediately called someone over to discuss the price, and finally bought it at a price of 5000 taels. According to reason, the dying slave should just give some money to the deal, but the seller insisted on 5000 taels, and would not sell anything less. Although Yun Xi was puzzled, seeing Zhao Zhao's dedication to saving people, he finally bought it.

As soon as the child was released, Chu Yunxi gave him first aid, otherwise, even if the child was bought, he might be out of breath.

After Chu Yunxi injected a few needles, the child breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes and looked at the person standing beside him, struggling to speak.

"Help me, save me."

(End of this chapter)

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