Chapter 231
Chu Yunxi pointed to Zhao Zhao beside him and asked the child: "Are you willing to accompany him, protect him, take care of him, and not betray him for the rest of your life? If you are willing, I will take you away."

The child's eyes flashed with joy, and he nodded vigorously: "I, I am willing."

Chu Yunxi nodded, looked at Zhaozhao and said, "You can give him a name."

Chu Yunzhao looked at the child's emaciated appearance, like bean sprouts, and couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

"Sister, call him Little Douzi."

As soon as Chu Yunzhao finished speaking, Xiaodouzi struggled to speak, "Thank you, thank you."

After he finished speaking, he passed out, Chu Yunxi looked at Qing Yan and said, "Send him out, into our carriage."

"Yes, princess."

Qingyan hugged Xiaodouzi and left, this child is so light, like a kitten, it is so pitiful.

Qingyan knew that her sympathy was really unreasonable. Could she sympathize with the countless slaves in the slave market?Just like her, she was arrested to make poisonous people before, if she hadn't met the prince in the end, she would not know whether she would be alive or dead now.

Therefore, life in this world is not easy, Qingyan sent Xiaodouzi to the carriage of Yanling Palace.

In the underground black market, Chu Yunxi bought a slave and did not intend to buy another one. She turned around and walked to the Colosseum. There are many monsters in the Colosseum. After those monsters are domesticated, they can be used not only as pets, but also as protect yourself.

It's just that there seems to be a bit too many people in the Colosseum today, and many people are discussing eagerly.

"I heard that a fifth-level monster came to the Colosseum today."

"Really? The fifth-order monster is not something ordinary people can lower."

Tier [-] monsters have developed spiritual intelligence and are not easy to tame. If they are not good, they may be eaten back. In the territory of Dongchen Kingdom, there are very few monsters of Tier [-].

When Chu Yunxi heard people talking about fifth-order monsters, he immediately became interested, and listened to the discussions of the people around him.

"Didn't you see that there were several groups of big shots?"

"They all came for the fifth-order monsters."

"It seems that King Qi and King Chu are here, and the emperor's eldest grandson seems to be here too."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard about Yu Wenye, his face turned ugly, and his brows frowned slightly.

She turned around and walked towards the seats under the stage of the Colosseum, with Zhao Zhao at her side following her all the way in.

Chu Yunxi didn't know that someone on the second floor had already reported her situation to a private room.

"How dare she show up?"

Yu Wenye's face was indescribably gloomy and ugly. Thinking of yesterday's prince's concubine selection banquet, which was abruptly destroyed by that woman and Yan Heng, he was very angry, not to mention that the woman ruined his reputation, although there is no big deal for the time being. However, others have somewhat different views on him.

"This damned woman, since it was delivered to my door, how could I spare her lightly."

After Yu Wenye finished speaking, he immediately called two of his subordinates to come in, intending to secretly manipulate and kill Chu Yunxi in the Colosseum.

But Yu Wenye's arrangement was blocked.

"Cousin, I have a better way to deal with her."

In the private room, Ye Liyue opened her mouth with a gentle smile, and Yu Wenye looked at her sideways, with undisguised affection in her eyes.

"What can Liyue do?"

Ye Liyue moved closer to Yu Wenye's ear, whispered a few words, Yu Wenye lowered his head again and again: "Liyue's idea is good, good, I will do as you say."

Ye Liyue told Yu Wenye's subordinates her idea, and then told them to do it immediately.

In the private room, all the subordinates retreated, only Yu Wenye and Ye Liyue were left.

(End of this chapter)

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