Chapter 243 Stupid Wolf
Yan Heng feels that not only Chu Yunxi hides secrets, but Chu Yunzhao also has secrets.

Chu Yunxi didn't have as many thoughts in Yan Heng's mind. Seeing that Xiaoyin was willing to get close to Zhaozhao, she felt indescribably happy.

From now on, with Xiaodouzi by his brother's side to take care of him, and Xiaoyin to accompany him, she felt much more at ease.

In the Colosseum, some people started to go out, Yan Heng looked at the crowds around, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Let's go, go out."

"Okay," Chu Yunxi followed Yan Heng, took Zhao Zhao, Qing Yan and others all the way away, and walked outside the Colosseum.

On the way, Yan Heng's dark magnetic voice sounded low and deep: "If you show such a skill today, I'm afraid the emperor Sun Yuwenye and the old emperor will want to kill you even more, so you have to be careful."

"Thank you, my lord, for reminding me."

Chu Yunxi thanked him in response, Yan Hengfeng frowned unconsciously, and when he heard Chu Yunxi's polite words to him, he felt angry.

She is his princess, as for?

Annoyed, Yan Heng turned around and strode out of the Colosseum. Behind her, Chu Yunxi looked puzzled. She found that Yan Heng had a bad temper and was always angry. Fortunately, she didn't need to stay in the end, otherwise it would be really bad luck.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi dragged Zhao Zhao out of the underground black market, and got into the carriage of Yanling Palace.

In the carriage, Yan Heng leaned casually. When he saw Chu Yunxi coming up, he didn't say a word. The atmosphere in the carriage was indescribably cold.

Chu Yunxi didn't look at Yan Heng, only talking to his younger brother.

"Zhaozhao, do you know how to treat Xiaoyin better in the future? Treat him as your friend and don't hurt him, so that he will do his best to protect you. In fact, monsters are the same as us, we must respect them. "

Zhao Zhao immediately nodded vigorously: "Sister, I know."

Little Silver blinked and listened, very moved, all it saw before were people who ravaged and killed monsters, they only treated them as playthings, no one ever regarded them as friends, that's why it hated humans.

But it was glad that it had met them, and that it would be able to accompany masters like them in the future.

At this moment, Xiao Yin had identified such masters as Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao in his heart.

In the corner of the carriage, Yan Heng stared coldly at Chu Yunxi, and then looked at the stupid wolf. This woman's scheming is good. Look, the stupid wolf was so moved that they immediately regarded them as their masters.

Yan Heng looked at such a smart Chu Yunxi, thinking about her increasingly powerful abilities, and thinking that if she became stronger, she would leave the Yanling Palace.

Annoyance rose in Yan Heng's heart for no reason. She didn't know whether she was angry with herself or Chu Yunxi.

In the end, the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became, he simply flung the curtain and left the carriage. In the carriage, Chu Yunxi looked puzzled, did this man have a convulsion?
Chu Yunzhao naturally also saw Yan Heng's expression, and said worriedly: "Sister, that person seems to be angry."

"He's mad at him, it's none of our business."

The words of the two siblings reached Yan Heng's ears very well, and Yan Heng almost vomited blood in anger.

He immediately ordered Wei Li to call the eldest son of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion over and drink with him.

The Zhenbei Hou Mansion was once a famous family that was favored by the first emperor, but because it did not stand in the team of the current Holy Majesty, after the Holy Majesty ascended the throne, he exploited the power of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion in every possible way, and finally sent the Zhenbei Hou Mansion The Hou Ye and his wife from the government went to Yanshan to suppress the bandits.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal, but Zhenbei Hou and his wife died in the hands of the bandits.

When the news reached the capital, the old lady of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion didn't pick it up, and died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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