Chapter 244

Looking at his young grandson, the old waiter held his breath and raised his only grandson.

Later, Liu Mubei, the eldest son of Zhenbei Marquis, and Yanling Wang Yanheng got together.

Outer Weili got his master's order, and immediately rushed to the Zhenbei Houfu. The son of the Zhenbeihoufu was not in the capital. He had just returned to the capital, and the master asked him to come over, at least let him accompany his grandfather.

Wei Li muttered to himself in his heart, but he didn't delay his master's affairs.

Liu Mubei didn't say much, after receiving Wei Li's message and talking to his grandfather, he followed Wei Li into the restaurant where Yan Heng was.

In the private room, Yan Heng was pouring wine for herself, when she heard the sound of the door being pushed, she raised her head and looked over. Liu Mubei, who was dressed in green and had hair tied with a wooden hairpin, looked simple and elegant all over his body, he did not look like a son of a noble in Beijing at all. , it looks like a poor family disciple.

It's just that every gesture still exudes a good aristocratic air.

As soon as Liu Mubei came in, he walked towards Yan Heng's table, and he could tell at a glance that Yan Heng was not in a good mood.

"What's the matter? The prince actually used wine to drown his sorrows in broad daylight."

Yan Heng squinted at Liu Mubei angrily, "It's just that you can't figure out some things by drinking to relieve your worries."

"Come on, come on, tell me and I will analyze it for you."

Liu Mubei is very intelligent, equivalent to a counselor under Yan Heng's subordinates, and he is indeed in charge of Qianji Pavilion, the largest intelligence agency under Yan Heng, which is specially used to investigate various gossip.

After Yan Heng glanced at Fu Sheng and Wei Li in the private room, he waved them to leave.

When there were only Yan Heng and Liu Mubei left in the private room, Yan Heng lowered his voice and said, "Do you think women should be gentle and considerate to their husbands? Why are some women just different? "

As soon as Liu Mubei heard his words, he guessed that the different woman in Yanheng's mouth might be Chu Yunxi, Princess of Yanling.

Although he has just returned to Beijing, he knows all the news in Beijing, including Chu Yunxi, the prince's newly married concubine.

Liu Mubei chuckled lightly and said, "My lord, there are more than tens of millions of women in this world, how could they all be careless and gentle, and regard their husbands as their heavens? Has the lord forgotten that there are still women who are emperors in the historical records, and there are also women who enter the cabinet?" By the way, everyone is different."

"What the prince said is gentle and gentle. Those who regard their husbands as their heavens are the kind of women who depend on men to live. Some women have their own independent thinking and independent style of doing things. They are different from those women who regard their husbands as their heavens." .”

Yan Heng's eyes shone slightly. Isn't this woman who thinks independently and works independently refers to Chu Yunxi?

That woman just does what she does, and never does what other people think or think.

"If you meet such a woman, how should you treat her?"

Yan Heng asked for advice, Liu Mubei was amused, the prince always had women who admired him, but now there was a woman who didn't take him seriously, he took it seriously.

Isn't this called the present report, but Liu Mubei didn't dare to make fun of it, lest Yan Heng become angry from embarrassment.

"If you meet this kind of woman, it's best to respect her, trust her, and treat her equally. Generally, under such circumstances, you can make friends."

"Respect, trust, and equal treatment."

Every time Yan Heng recited a word silently, his heart sank, because of these, he had never given that woman Chu Yunxi.

Is that why her relationship with him is so stiff?
"If the relationship with such a woman is frozen, how can I ease it?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he added: "I'm asking about other people's affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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