248 Chapter [-]

Yan Xueying shook her head: "Don't dare, don't dare."

This time she really didn't dare, if she dared to provoke her again, she would kill her.

Yan Heng ordered in a cold voice: "Go back and think about it behind closed doors for a month. Without my king's order, you are not allowed to come out of my yard."

Yan Xueying's maid hurriedly rushed over to help the princess and left. Liu Ruqin looked at everything in front of her and felt like a fire was burning in her heart. Cousin actually protected this woman like this, obviously Yan Xueying was his sister , he could watch her being bullied.

Was he fascinated by this woman?What about her?
Liu Ruqin cried sadly, while crying, she looked at Yan Heng aggrievedly and said, "Cousin, cousin sister-in-law is too bullying, she made people search Xueying's house and mine one by one."

Liu Ruqin didn't finish her sentence, Yan Heng's cold eyes were sharply refracted to her, his eyes were full of frost, completely different from the gentleness before, this kind of him made Liu Ruqin's heart cold, uneasy, and afraid.

She choked on her words, and Yan Heng's cold and heartless words resounded.

"Cousin, if you want to stay in my Yanling Prince's Mansion, you can just stay in your place. If you don't want to stay, then go back to Qizhou immediately."

"Don't always provoke troubles. If you let me know, even if you don't leave, I will drive you out."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Liu Ruqin's head buzzed, her cheeks were indescribably red, she just felt that at this moment she was ashamed to face others.

Cousin, he actually said that he would drive her out of the Yanling Palace, Liu Ruqin felt that his words were like a sharp sword, piercing her heart fiercely, she only felt that her world was completely destroyed, that the sky would collapse and the earth would crack But that's all.

Liu Ruqin couldn't bear the stimulation, and fell into a coma.

The servant girl who served her hurriedly stepped forward to support her, Yan Heng ordered in a deep voice: "If this kind of thing happens again in the future, all of you who serve Miss Biao will be killed."

One word made the servant girls who served Liu Ruqin turn pale. These people are from Yanling Prince's Mansion. They thought that following Miss Biao would lead to a better future, so they tried their best to help her. Unexpectedly, the prince is treating Miss Biao now. Such indifference.

So is there any way for them to follow Miss Biao?At this moment, all the maids who waited on Liu Ruqin were moved.

Liu Ruqin was quickly helped down, and Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi with drunken eyes, and found that her face was very ugly, and she was also in a very bad mood.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Chu Yunxi opened his mouth and was about to tell Yan Heng about Caizhu's disappearance. Outside the courtyard gate, several figures rushed in. The leader was Qing Yan, who quickly reported: "Princess, we have searched the Princess and the princess. There is nothing in the courtyard where Miss Liu lives."

Chu Yunxi frowned, would the colored beads be hidden by Yan Xueying and Liu Ruqin?
But when she thought about the expressions of Yan Xueying and Liu Ruqin before, they didn't seem to look like Tibetans.

If it wasn't for them, then who took the colorful beads away.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Yan Heng said in a deep voice, "What's going on here?"

Chu Yunxi glanced at him, turned around and walked to the flower hall behind him, and said quickly as he walked: "Hongshang said that Caizhu was called away earlier, and he said it was me. After Caizhu went out, there has been no one until now." When I came back, I thought it was Yan Xueying or Liu Ruqin who tampered with Caizhu when I was not in the palace, but now it doesn't look like it."

"But who took her away, I must find her as soon as possible, or she will die."

(End of this chapter)

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