Chapter 249
Chu Yunxi was a little anxious at the end. Caizhu is only a first-order warrior at the moment, and it is not enough to protect herself.

And because of various things recently, she didn't have time to make some poison pills for her self-defense.

On the side of the flower hall, Yan Heng walked up to Chu Yunxi and stretched out his hand to pull her to sit down.

Because Chu Yunxi was anxious about Caizhu, he didn't pay attention to Yan Heng's movements at all. Yan Heng looked at the little hand in his hand with a smile on his lips, which felt good.

It's just that Yan Heng was feeling it, and Zhao Zhao, who was staring at him covetously, moved.

He rushed over, knocked away Yan Heng's hand holding Chu Yunxi, Chu Yunxi woke up startled, and looked at Zhao Zhao.

"what happened?"

"Sister, he's bad," Zhao Zhaoyi pointed at Yan Heng. This man eats his sister's tofu and is a big bad guy.

Yan Heng's eyes were cold, and his face was full of sinisterness. When was he scolded by a child who pointed his nose at him? Anyone who pointed at his nose in this world has now gone to deal with the King of Hades.

Chu Yunxi naturally also saw the murderous aura on Yan Heng's body, she stretched out her hand and pulled Zhao Zhaohu behind her.

"Why should the prince care about children, he has no intentions."

Yan Heng turned to look at Chu Yunxi, saw the worry in Chu Yunxi's eyes, and thought of how much she cared about her younger brother, Yan Heng suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Has this woman figured it out, he is her husband, her future, she doesn't care about him, but always cares about her brother, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Yan Heng's phoenix eyes looked at Chu Yunzhao who was behind Chu Yunxi suspiciously, thinking whether to find a chance and throw this kid to some academy, so that no one would obstruct his eyes.

Yan Heng was thinking about it, but Chu Yunxi had already diverted his attention.

"My lord, I thought of a strange thing. When I left the palace today, Chu Yuyan actually followed me, and she kept asking me about what happened when I was a child. I think she is a bit weird?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Chu Yuyan's mind. Could it be that Chu Yuyan wanted to see if she could remember what happened when she was a child.

If so, they suspect she is fake.

Chu Yunxi thought about saying at the same time as Yan Heng: "They suspect that you (me) are fake."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, she looked sideways at Chu Yunxi, not to mention others, even he suspected that this woman was a fake.

If the former Chu Yunxi was really so powerful, he would definitely not suffer from Chu Yutang's family.

But Ruo said she was a fake, and she knew everything about her, so Yan Heng was confused for a while.

After Chu Yunxi figured out Chu Yuyan's purpose, she also thought of where Caizhu might go.

"I know who took the colored beads away, and where did they take them?"

This time, Yanheng directly interfaced: "It seems that they took them to the Duke of Chu's mansion. It's a lie that they wanted Caizhu to bite you. In this way, not only you, but even the king implicated."

Yan Heng smiled coldly: "This is treating us as fools."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked out: "Let's go to Duke Chu's mansion."

Later, Chu Yunxi called Yan Heng: "My lord, I have a plan, why don't we use the plan and find a fake person to replace Caizhu, first pretend to agree to them, and then turn back in court, what do you think, lord?"

(End of this chapter)

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