Chapter 262
Everyone in the hall was startled, and they looked at Chu Yunxi in unison. At this moment, Chu Yunxi was unspeakably cold, and coldness surged all over her body, and she said in a low voice with icy eyes.

"Your Majesty, I want to sue my second uncle Chu Yutang. He is ruthless, has a human face and a beast's heart, and deliberately plotted everything in the Duke of Chu's mansion. Since my parents died, my second uncle has made plans for the Duke's mansion. Poison me, use poison to block my meridians, ruin my appearance, and then poison my younger brother Chu Yunzhao, making him weaker, and then he logically took everything from the Duke of Chu's mansion."

"Everyone here may have doubts in their hearts, why the me in the past is not the same as the me now, because I used to hide my strength and bide my time, and only hope that one day I can expose my second uncle's disgusting face to everyone."

"If your lords and sages don't believe it, you can send people into the Duke of Chu's mansion to investigate. Since my parents died, we, my siblings, have been driven into a place in the Duke of Chu's mansion that we don't care about, the most remote place. In the yard, the food is not as good as the servants."

"If my second uncle really treats us as relatives, why would he treat us like this? As for me showing my true face now, it is because I have become the princess of Yanling and picked up my younger brother Chu Yunzhao. You don't have to be afraid of my second uncle anymore."

"My second uncle saw that we were out of his control. He was afraid that I would retaliate against him if I became the princess of Yanling, so he failed to make a plan, and he came to the palace to sue me for being false. At the same time, I suspected that he had already got the news. I am currently investigating him, because I got a message not long ago that my parents died because my second uncle secretly collaborated with others to kill my parents, and his purpose was to seize the 20 military power from my father , and the position of duke.”

After Chu Yunxi's words came to this point, Your Highness, Chu Yutang's heart was broken with fear. He never expected that Chu Yunxi would pull out such a bunch of words in front of the palace.

Chu Yutang didn't dare to let Chu Yunxi continue, and shouted, "You villain, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I kill my brother and sister-in-law?"

After Chu Yutang finished speaking, he turned and looked at the old emperor at the top of the hall: "Your Majesty, it is clear that this is the death of the old minister. The old minister has always respected his elder brother, and respected his elder brother extremely. How could he plan to kill his elder brother?" Well, my lord, the old minister has no face to live."

Chu Yutang burst into tears, and the old emperor looked at Chu Yunxi with a dark face: "What evidence do you have that Duke Chu killed his elder brother?"

Chu Yunxi said: "Returning to the Holy Father, I am investigating this matter, and I believe that sooner or later the truth will come to light."

The eyes of Yuwen Lingtian, the head of the hall, were momentarily dark like an abyss, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and his big hands were clenched into balls.

This woman must not stay, and she must be removed as soon as possible.

Yuwen Lingtian was thinking about talking, but Chu Yunxi had already spoken first: "My second uncle probably knew that I was investigating him, so he wanted to get rid of me first, which is why he said today that I am not Chu Yunxi, He wants to get rid of me by the hands of the Holy One, and hope that the Holy One will investigate this matter clearly."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Chu Yutang and said, "Chu Yutang, you dare to use even the Holy One for your own selfish desires. You are really daring."

Chu Yutang was so enraged by Chu Yunxi's repeated words, he opened his round eyes angrily, and shouted: "You villain, stop talking nonsense, you are clearly the murderer who killed my niece, and now How can the Holy One be deceived by a villain like you."

(End of this chapter)

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