Chapter 263
After Chu Yutang finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the old emperor Yuwen Lingtian at the head of the main hall.

"Please make an order from the sage to execute this villain immediately to avenge the minister's niece."

Yuwen Lingtian didn't speak, and Yan Heng, who had been standing quietly in the hall, answered lazily: "Grandpa, please be safe and don't be irritable. Let my princess finish talking. The prince is so anxious to kill my princess. Could it be that you are afraid that things will be exposed.”

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi's mouth twitched fiercely, and she said "my princess, what's the matter?"

Didn't you say that she is not worthy to be the princess of Yanling?

Your Highness, there was an uproar, everyone was discussing, some people looked at Chu Yunxi, some people looked at Chu Yutang.

Chu Yunxi's words had aroused many people's doubts about Chu Yutang.

Because the situation of Chu Yunxi and his brother in Duke Chu's mansion is indeed not very good. They know this. If everything is as Duke Chu said, how could he respect his elder brother? The children left behind by the elder brother are not good.

In the main hall, Chu Yutang's complexion became more and more unsightly. Originally, he thought that this time he could easily deal with this woman, but he didn't expect this woman to beat her up in the end.

Chu Yutang was anxious and annoyed, cold sweat broke out on his face, his eyes quickly looked at the emperor Sun Yuwenye.

Yu Wenye's face was full of frost, he didn't look at Chu Yutang, but said coldly and gloomyly: "Princess Yanling has a sharp mouth, you said you are Chu Yunxi, are you Chu Yunxi? You are a fake Chu Yunxi, what proof do you have that you are the real Chu Yunxi?"

Chu Yunxi turned around and looked at Yu Wenye who was on the side: "Emperor grandson can send someone to check my face to see if there are signs of disguise or skin change, whether it is disguise or skin change, There will be traces."

In the main hall, many people nodded, Yu Wenye stared at Chu Yunxi coldly, thinking of the cowardly and incompetent Chu Yunxi in the past, he was not like the woman in front of him, who was clearly a woman who could not afford to suffer.

So Chu Yunxi is probably not the former Chu Yunxi, but a substitute arranged by King Yanling.

The reason why she said this was because she thought he would not arrange for someone to investigate.

He just wanted to send someone to investigate, maybe he could really find out what is wrong. As soon as the emperor's eldest grandson thought about it, he turned his head and looked up at the holy majesty: "Grandfather, can you send someone to check Chu Yunxi's face?" ?”

Yuwen Lingtian squinted at Chu Yunxi who was lowering his head, and also felt that this woman might not be the real Chu Yunxi.

If this woman really changed her face or changed her face, she would definitely find out, so Yuwen Ling Tianyi moved, and he opened his mouth to order the eunuch Dr. Xuan to come over.

On the side of the main hall, an elegant and immortal figure stood up slowly, accompanied by a clear and pleasant voice.

"Your Majesty, my national teacher can do this for me."

Yuwen Lingtian saw that the national teacher Ye Ling could do it for him, and immediately nodded in agreement. You must know that the national teacher's medical skills are very powerful.

"That's right."

Ye Ling gathered the white robe that dragged the floor, and walked gracefully in front of Chu Yunxi.

He walked in front of Chu Yunxi, and stood condescendingly, his slightly drunken eyes were full of deep and deep inquiry.

Is Chu Yunxi real or fake?
He was also very curious, but when Ye Ling stretched out his hand to provoke Chu Yunxi's face to examine carefully, Yan Heng's cold voice sounded from Chu Yunxi's side.

"Master Guoshi, it's best not to touch the face of this king and concubine with your hands, or you will be at your own risk. This king doesn't mind abolishing the hand of Mr. Guoshi."

 Xiaotong is here to talk about the update. There are four changes every day, two changes in the morning, two changes at noon, and sometimes there are more changes, which is the fifth change. Xiaotong has no fewer changes in a day.
(End of this chapter)

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