Chapter 420

Yuwen Lingtian ordered angrily: "Go and investigate immediately, and see who is walking around in the yard late at night."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The dark guard left in a flash, the princess Ye Rong looked around, and suddenly saw a purse not far away, she took a few steps to pick up the purse.

Seeing the purse, Ye Rong's expression turned a little ugly, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Yuwen Lingtian on the side also saw the purse, and asked in a deep voice, "Whose purse is it?"

"What is His Majesty going to do?"

Yuwen Lingtian asked again sharply: "I'm asking you, whose purse is it? You must know that if someone leaks our affairs, not only will I lose face, but you may not be able to live. Quickly tell me who this purse is!" of?"

Ye Rong sighed and said helplessly, "Chu's."

"Chu's?" Yuwen Lingtian couldn't remember who Chu was for a while, and after thinking for a while, he remembered that it was Chu Yutang's daughter. Yuwen Lingtian's eyes were sharp for a moment, and he turned around to leave. Follow up: "What does Your Majesty plan to do to that child?"

"Don't ask about this matter," Yuwen Lingtian said angrily, but after he finished speaking, he felt that his tone was not very good. He turned around and walked to Ye Rong's side, leaned over and kissed Ye Rong's cheek: "Go back, You don't need to worry about this matter, and Ye'er's matter, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Yuwen Lingtian has rarely set foot in the harem these years. Many people think that he doesn't like sex. In fact, no one knows that all his energy is on the crown princess Ye Rong.

Because of the relationship with the crown princess Ye Rong, the emperor preferred Yu Wenye in his heart, and treated Yu Wenye better than his own son.

This is all because of Aiwujiwu, he has some affection for the crown princess Ye Rong.

Ye Rong didn't speak any more, turned around and walked back, when she walked into the courtyard, she turned around and saw that Yuwen Lingtian was no longer outside the courtyard.

Ye Rong knew that the Chu family might not survive.

Ye Rong looked at the Prince's Mansion under the night, and felt that the Prince's Mansion was like a giant devouring beast, ready to devour her at any time.

She didn't know how long she could hold on, sometimes she really wanted to stay awake, but thinking of her son, she still held on.

As the daughter of the Ye family, she is a commodity, a commodity for the benefit of the Ye family. Back then, she was named Dongchen, and the Ye family asked her to marry the prince. In fact, she had a lover herself, but for the sake of the family, she had to marry To the prince, the prince treated her very well.

But who knows that the good life is only a few years, the prince has passed away, leaving only their orphans and widows, life is hard to live, even though she is the princess, who would look up to her, just think that she It's just a widow.

Later, it was the Ye family who gave her the idea to hook up with the Holy Majesty in order to let her son become the future heir.

Since the Ye family gave her this bad idea, Ye Rong no longer regards the Ye family as her mother's family, they are a bunch of beasts.

But in the end she still gave in for her son. Ye Rong couldn't help but smile sadly when she thought about her past life. Since ancient times, a confidante has been so unlucky. If she hadn't been so outstanding back then, the Ye family would not have targeted her. So sometimes, it is a blessing for people to look more ordinary.

Ye Rong walked towards her room with heavy steps.

At dawn, a fire broke out in the courtyard of the Prince's Mansion, and the Chu family died in the fire.

But it's just a little concubine of the emperor's eldest grandson, no one takes it seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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