Chapter 421
In Yanling Palace, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi slept until dawn. When Yan Heng opened his eyes, he found that Chu Yunxi was still sleeping in his arms and hadn't woken up.

Thinking of a certain little woman begging for mercy under him last night, Yan Heng was in an unspeakably good mood, he leaned over and kissed the little woman in his arms.

Kiss the forehead, kiss the cheek, and finally move to the small tender lips.

His big hand also slid all the way down and landed on Chu Yunxi's stomach. There may be a little guy who belongs to him here. As long as Xi'er gives birth to a child that belongs to them, I believe she will not have the idea of ​​leaving.

Yan Heng always felt that otherwise, he would not be able to catch his little concubine, and she always gave him a sense of unreliability that he was ready to leave at any time, so what Yan Heng is looking forward to most now is to give birth to a child belonging to the two of them.

Chu Yunxi was sleeping soundly, but was woken up by being harassed by kisses on the face and on the mouth.

She opened her eyes and looked at the man who kissed her face in a daze, she was a little stunned for a moment and couldn't react.

She looks so sleepy and dazed, she is so cute, Yan Heng felt that his previous idea was indeed correct, he should live with the princess, otherwise how could he see such a lovely side of his princess.

Yan Heng kissed Chu Yunxi's cheek again, and asked softly, "Are you awake?"

Chu Yunxi replied confusedly: "Well, is the prince awake too?"

Yan Heng leaned over and bit Chu Yunxi, and said angrily, "You should be punished. From now on, you can call me Husband, or by my name, but you are not allowed to call me Wang Ye. It seems too natural."

It turns out that Yan Heng doesn't care about these things, but the longer he spends with this little woman, the less he likes her being courteous with him, because being polite means that there is a distance between two people, and he doesn't want to distance himself from her.

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi immediately called out obediently: "Husband."

"Hey, give me a kiss," Yan Heng kissed Chu Yunxi fiercely. If he hadn't tormented her too much last night, he would have been moved again, but because he loves her, he finally endured it.

Chu Yunxi's eyes turned black, and she complained speechlessly in her heart. Is this person in front of her really the cold, gloomy, self-willed, high-ranking King Yanling from before?Why does she feel like a different person.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, someone knocked on the door, and then someone reported: "My lord, the old concubine sent something over."

After hearing this, Yan Heng raised her eyebrows indifferently and said: "Send it in."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his arms to hug Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi slid down, laying on the bed and not wanting to get up: "My lord, I still want to sleep, you have to deal with your affairs, I will sleep for a while."

Is it human?After tossing her for most of the night last night, he pulled her up again early in the morning.

She can't get up, she's going to sleep.

Yan Heng didn't let go, and still held her tightly: "Get up and eat something first, or your body won't be able to bear it. If you want to sleep, it's the same if you sleep at noon."

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi snorted coldly with dissatisfaction: "Who did this to me? Who is it?"

Yan Heng smiled wantonly and said: "Blame me, I shouldn't be so demanding, it's all my fault."

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, a weak, trembling voice sounded outside: "Cousin."

Liu Ruqin was holding a tray in her hand. On the tray was an ounce of tonic soup. She had boiled it early in the morning. She had boiled it for her aunt, but her aunt asked her to give it to her cousin. Said to send it in her name.

(End of this chapter)

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