Chapter 446
Chu Yunxi could almost see at a glance why this woman was infertile. The reason for the decrease in estrogen in her body was that there was a problem with this woman's ovaries, which could not secrete normal mature follicles.

Of course, she, Mrs. Zhao and her daughter couldn't say these words, and they wouldn't understand them if she said them. These are all modern medical terms.

"Princess, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Chu Yunxi walked to the side and washed her hands in Hongshang's basin. She shook her head while washing and said, "It's okay, you told me last time, I thought you would come early, Mrs. Zhao, but I didn't expect to wait until now .”

Mrs. Zhao smiled embarrassedly. In fact, she wanted to come a long time ago, but her master insisted on not letting her come, saying that the Holy Majesty does not want to see the Yan family right now.

The reason why she brought her daughter here today was because she forcibly made the decision, and she didn't listen to her master's words.

Chu Yunxi knew Madam Zhao's concerns, she said with a smile: "I know why Madam Zhao didn't come, in fact I am not only the princess of Yanling, but also a doctor, if Madam Zhao doesn't want to come to Yanling Palace, you can find another place Yes, I don’t care, everything is about saving the sick and treating the sick.”

As soon as Chu Yunxi said, Mrs. Zhao remembered that Chu Yunxi took people to Luanyang to save the villagers from the plague. I heard that the villagers even gave her the Wanmin Umbrella, which shows that she has a kind heart.

Mrs. Zhao said quickly after thinking: "We think too much."

After Chu Yunxi washed her hands, she motioned for Qingyan to open her medicine box. She took out the pillow to check Miss Zhao's pulse. On one side, Mrs. Zhao looked at Chu Yunxi nervously. Chu Yunxi carefully examined Miss Zhao's pulse. After feeling the pulse, she let go of her hand and looked at Mrs. Zhao and said.

"Miss Zhao's illness is not very good."

As soon as she said that, the faces of Mrs. Zhao and Ms. Zhao changed, and Ms. Zhao cried out in despair: "Mother."

If she can't have a child, she will take a concubine for her husband's family. Taking a concubine is not the most important thing, she will never have a child of her own in the future.

Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter sadly. Chu Yunxi ignored the two and said, "Actually, Ms. Zhao's illness is not just a problem. Her illness has also greatly affected the relationship between husband and wife."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Chu Yunxi in surprise, and then at Miss Zhao: "Rou'er, what's going on?"

"Mother, I, I..." Ms. Zhao said embarrassedly. Chu Yunxi is a doctor, but she was not at all embarrassed. She told Mrs. Zhao: "Her disease originated from the kidney, which affected the most important organ of a woman, the ovary. Because of this, the lower body is not moisturized enough, and the vagina is dry, and when you have intercourse with a man, it will be very dry and painful, I am afraid that the man will not be happy, and if things go on like this, the relationship between husband and wife will still exist."

Mrs. Zhao stared at her daughter, seeing her uncomfortable face, which showed that Princess Yanling was right.

God, Mrs. Zhao is really embarrassed and has a headache for her daughter.

In fact, some doctors said before that her daughter's illness was due to insufficient kidney yin, but no one said that her daughter's sexual intercourse is not acceptable.

"Princess, what should I do?"

"I'll prescribe medicine for her to take, but I'm afraid she will have to take care of her illness in the future, nourishing the kidneys, nourishing blood and qi, and reducing intercourse. If your husband asks for a lot of intercourse, you'd better pay for him. A concubine."

This is the first time that Chu Yunxi persuaded others to take a concubine. The most important thing is that this woman should not have too much sex.

 This disease is real. Premature ovarian distress, so little princesses must protect their ovaries. If menstruation is abnormal, they must be treated early. If ovarian distress occurs, women will age very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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