Chapter 447 Marriage
Miss Zhao's complexion changed. In fact, her husband really asked for a lot of sex. When he first got married, he would ask for it two or three times a night. Now, he asks for it every other night. After each intercourse, she would My back hurts, my body feels weak, and my head is buzzing.

It's just that Miss Zhao's family didn't want to take a concubine for her husband even if she couldn't bear it, so the man tried his best to tease her.

Every time it made her die, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Chu Yunxi naturally knew that Ms. Zhao was unwilling to take concubines for her husband, so she sighed and said, "I know that no woman is willing to take concubines for her husband, but your life is the most important thing. I'm afraid you won't live long, and if you want to have a child, you have to rest and recuperate your body, if you manage properly, you can still have a child in this lifetime."

Mrs. Zhao was pleasantly surprised. Now their request is not to have several children, but only one.

"The princess is saying that if my son is properly adjusted, he can become pregnant."

"Well, after treatment, you should be able to conceive a baby, but whether the baby is a boy or a girl depends on God's blessing. In addition, if you are lucky, it is Miss Zhao's blessing to have two."

When Chu Yunxi said this, Mrs. Zhao and Ms. Zhao were already happy, and they all stood up to thank Chu Yunxi.

"Thank you, princess."

Chu Yunxi waved her hand to signal them to sit down. She looked at Ms. Zhao and said, "Did you bring your maid over today? I will teach you a massage method, and then I will prescribe a prescription for you to follow. In addition, I will teach you how to make two kinds of medicinal porridge, and you can eat them together."

"After two months of conditioning, you will be ready to conceive."

"Okay, okay," Ms. Zhao nodded again and again. She is content to be a mother for the rest of her life, so she can take concubines for her husband.

In fact, Ms. Zhao has had enough of sex, because her lower body is not moist enough, every time she is beaten to death by her husband, she suffers.

The reason why she refused to take a concubine for her husband was because she was afraid of falling out of favor and that her husband would give birth to a concubine.

If she could conceive, she would not be afraid.

Chu Yunxi nodded, got up and signaled Miss Zhao to follow her to the side room, and she taught her maid a set of massage techniques.

A group of people walked to the side room. On the way, Chu Yunxi looked at Ms. Zhao and said, "If Ms. Zhao is worried that her husband spoils his concubine and kills his wife, when choosing a concubine, choose an honest one who can handle it. In addition, after conditioning, Ms. Zhao will Restoring your looks, so you don’t need to worry about falling out of favor.”

Ms. Zhao is now happy: "Princess Wang said that I can remove the spots on my face and restore my previous appearance."

Chu Yunxi nodded. Ms. Zhao is a beauty embryo, but the hormones in her body are reduced, so she is prone to spots and wrinkles. If it is adjusted, it can recover [-] to [-]% in the future, and she will become beautiful again. Women become beautiful, and I am afraid that men will not Like it?
As soon as the afternoon passed, it was getting late when Mrs. Zhao and Miss Zhao left, and the old concubine over there had already sent someone over to urge them.

Mrs. Zhao herself also wanted to enter the palace, so she took Miss Zhao and left. Before leaving, Mrs. Zhao revealed a piece of news to Chu Yunxi.

"The Holy One intends to let Princess Jia'an, Yu Wenzhen, marry to Beiyao Kingdom."

Chu Yunxi's face was very ugly, is this still his father?What a beast.

The people in Beiyao Kingdom are all barbarians who are not as good as animals. I heard that the father died, and the son accepted the women left by his father.

(End of this chapter)

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