Chapter 448 The First Filial Person
Chu Yunxi felt a headache when he thought about the situation, not to mention Jia'an's simple temperament, she was not suitable for the palace of Beiyao Kingdom.

So she must help her tonight, Chu Yunxi ordered Hongshang to dress herself up while thinking, and it was time to enter the palace.

Chu Yunxi thought of a very important thing, last night she and Yan Heng spent the whole night, she didn't take medicine when she got up early, it was too dangerous.

Chu Yunxi immediately ordered the maids in the room to go out, and she took out the medicinal materials she had taken in advance from the Strange Clinic Pavilion, because time was too tight, she mixed several medicinal materials together, Yun Yuanli made the juice, and then took it.

In short, under the current situation, she would never have children.

Although in bed last night, she seemed to agree to Yan Heng in a daze to give birth to him, but how could she believe what she said on the bed.

After Chu Yunxi took the contraceptive pill, she walked out.

As soon as the group reached the gate of the mansion, they saw Fu Sheng rushing back with a few guards from the palace. As soon as he saw Chu Yunxi, Fu Sheng got off his horse and said respectfully: "Princess, the lord ordered his subordinates to come back Protect the princess into the palace."

After Fu Sheng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi didn't think much about it, but the people not far away did.

Liu Ruqin murmured quietly: "My cousin probably only has his cousin in his heart."

These words seemed to be out of intention, but in fact the face of the old concubine on one side was darkened, she glared at Chu Yunxi angrily, and got into the carriage in front of her.

Liu Ruqin followed closely behind, and Yan Xueying also got into the carriage.

Chu Yunxi took the second carriage, and Qingyan and Qingwu also sat in the second carriage with her.

As soon as the three of them got into the car, the car started to move. Qing Yan and Qing Wu couldn't help whispering when they saw Liu Ruqin also entered the palace with them.

"Princess, why did Miss Biao also enter the palace?"

"Keep an eye on her. It's best not to provoke me. If you provoke me, see how I deal with her."

"Yes, princess."

On the carriage in front, Liu Ruqin was coaxing the old concubine: "Aunt, don't be angry, you won't be worth it if you get angry."

"Besides, my cousin didn't do it on purpose."

Liu Ruqin's words were clearly adding fuel to the flames. In the carriage, Mammy Jiang said with an ugly face, "Miss Biao, please don't say a few words."

Yan Xueying also snorted coldly and said: "Cousin is the most filial person now, we are all unfilial people."

Although Yan Xueying didn't want to see Chu Yunxi, she also didn't want to see Liu Ruqin, and she got angry when she saw this woman's fake appearance.

She was deceived by her false appearance in the past, how much she helped her, shameless.

After listening to Yan Xueying's words, Liu Ruqin looked at Yan Xueying aggrievedly and said, "Cousin, I did something wrong in the past. Cousin apologizes to you, okay?"

"No need." Now she was angry when she saw her, and it was useless to apologize.

In the carriage, the old concubine said angrily, "Don't say a few words, what a shame."

The people in the carriage finally stopped talking, and no one dared to speak.

The banquet in the palace tonight will be held in the Yuhe Palace, which is a relatively formal palace in the Dongchen Palace, and it is specially used for holding grand banquets.

This time, the envoys of Bei Yao Kingdom came to Beijing, and Dong Chen opened the Jade Harmony Hall to hold tonight's banquet in order to show that he valued it.

When the people from Yanling Palace arrived, more than half of the people in the palace had already arrived, but some people still didn't arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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