Chapter 451
Yu Wenzhen's face began to have rashes, some of which were broken soon, with yellow water flowing, and looked very scary. Shun'er was shocked when she saw it, and asked nervously.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Jia'an stretched out his hand, and found that his hand also had a rash, and some places were also broken.

Chu Yunxi looked at them and said, "It's okay, this is a medicine I made, which can save the princess and prevent her from going to Beiyao country to get married."

Shun'er breathed a sigh of relief, Chu Yunxi had already got up, the palace banquet over there should be held now, if she doesn't go there, she will attract attention.

"Jia'an, I'm going."

Jia'an stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunxi, but when he saw the yellow water in his hand, he quickly withdrew his hand.

"Cousin, take me out of here, I want to leave."

Chu Yunxi looked at Jia'an and said, "If you leave, you will no longer be a princess. There will be no more Princess Jia'an in this world. You will be just a commoner when you go out. Are you willing to do that?"

Jia'an nodded vigorously: "I am willing, cousin, you can find a way to take me out of here."

"Okay, let me think of a way, I'll go there first," Chu Yunxi led the people out, and after a few steps, he stopped and looked back at Shun'er and another court lady: "You guys meet later." After passing the princess, you will also have the same symptoms as the princess, but don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Understood, Princess," Shun'er responded, and ordered the maids on one side to send Chu Yunxi to the Hall of Jade Harmony.

Before Chu Yunxi and his group reached the Jade Harmony Hall, they saw a lot of people crowded in the northwest direction not far from the Jade Harmony Hall. What seemed to be wrong there?
Qing Yan looked around and said: "Princess, what seems to be happening ahead?"

Chu Yunxi instructed Qing Yan, "Go and see what happened over there? Let's go to the Jade Harmony Hall first."

"Yes," Qing Yan walked away, before Chu Yunxi and others reached the Hall of Jade Harmony, Qing Yan came over, and she said anxiously as soon as she appeared: "Princess, the prince is in trouble."

"Yan Heng is in trouble?" Chu Yunxi was a little worried, and walked towards the place where the accident happened as soon as he turned his feet.

The maid of the Yaohua Palace behind said: "Princess Yanling, it's all right, the servants are going back to serve the princess."

Chu Yunxi nodded: "Take good care of your princess and make her feel at ease. I will help her."

"Thank you, Princess," the maid responded and left, while Chu Yunxi walked forward with Qingyan and Qingwu, and soon came to a place surrounded by a group of people.

These people didn't notice Chu Yunxi's appearance, and everyone was talking about it.

"This daughter of the right servant's family is really daring. She dared to hurt the prince of Yanling. She is clearly looking for death."

"But the poor lady, it seems that she is the daughter of the Liu family in Qizhou. In order to help the prince, she rushed out to block the knife for her cousin, and was knocked into the river. I'm afraid the weather is terrible."

"I heard that Miss Cousin likes the prince very much. In the past, the prince also wanted to marry her. Later, the Holy Majesty pointed out the marriage and pointed Princess Yanling into the palace of Yanling Palace. Miss Cousin couldn't enter the mansion."

"Oh, what a pity."

Outside the crowd, Chu Yunxi frowned when he heard these words, right servant, Li Chengru?Li Chengru's daughter intended to hurt Yan Heng, and then Liu Ruqin rushed out to block the knife for Yan Heng, and was knocked into the river, does that mean?

(End of this chapter)

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