Chapter 452 Commands
Chu Yunxi raised her eyebrows and looked ahead, is Li Chengru's daughter very powerful?The prince is a master of the Martial King Realm, does he need someone to help him block the knife?Who can rely on his side?
Chu Yunxi smiled lightly, Liu Ruqin said before that she wanted to get married and asked her to help her to see her, but in fact everything was just a cover, she was still thinking about Yan Heng, wasn't she?

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, the ladies standing in front of her had already spotted her, and they all called out, "Princess Yanling."

Then everyone gave way, Chu Yunxi was calm, and led Qingyan and Qingwu to the front. When she reached the front of the crowd, she saw the situation by the lake. Liu Ruqin was being placed On the ground, her body was wet, with a knife stuck in her abdomen, blood was flowing out continuously, and she was surrounded by two doctors who were treating her.

Yan Heng was also squatting beside her at this time, urging the doctor to treat Liu Ruqin.

Chu Yunxi saw that the clothes on Yan Heng's body were dry, but the clothes on Mu Xiu who was beside him were wet. It was obvious that Mu Xiu went down to rescue Liu Ruqin.

The onlookers also noticed Chu Yunxi at this time, and they all whispered, "Princess Yanling is here. The concubine's medical skills are very good. If she appears, Ms. Liu will be fine."

Yan Heng heard these people talking, turned around and saw Chu Yunxi.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he said aloud, "Xi'er, come and help my cousin take a look."

Chu Yunxi walked over and leaned over to look at Liu Ruqin. Liu Ruqin's face was indescribably pale, with no blood at all. This was due to blood loss, but the knife was inserted in the abdomen, so it would not kill her. , It's just that the place where the knife was inserted obviously hurt the uterus, so Liu Ruqin might not be able to conceive and have children in her life.

Chu Yunxi looked at it and said, "Isn't there a doctor? Let the doctor handle it."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng's face was slightly dissatisfied: "Xi'er, don't make trouble."

Yan Heng knew that Liu Ruqin would be fine if her little concubine took action.

But Chu Yunxi was obviously unwilling to make a move, and some people in the surrounding crowd began to discuss.

"Is Princess Yanling unwilling to make a move?"

"Is the concubine's heart too cruel? This cousin is trying to save the prince."

"Yes, yes, is this woman jealous?"

The people around said everything, and the doctor who treated Liu Ruqin by the lake also stopped, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Or let the princess handle it, she must be better than us."

The old concubine of Yanling Palace also said, "Princess, come and treat Qin'er."

The tone is completely commanding, Chu Yunxi hates someone talking to him like this, even if this person is Yan Heng's mother and concubine, and is it necessary for her to save someone who is playing tricks on her?

This woman obviously has ulterior motives, she doesn't have the time to save such a person.

Chu Yunxi thought about it and said: "This is not an important impurity, the doctor can just deal with it."

The old concubine did not expect that Chu Yunxi would not listen to her in public, her face darkened instantly, and Yan Heng's complexion was also not very good. He raised his eyes and ordered forcefully: "Princess, come here."

Chu Yunxi smiled, but actually her heart was stuffy and uncomfortable.

She just didn't want others to know about it. In fact, she hated this kind of intrigue the most. She just wanted to live her life in peace.

But ever since she entered Yanling Prince's Mansion, she has had enough of living this kind of life.

(End of this chapter)

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