Chapter 454
When Chu Yunxi heard what Yan Heng said, her heart ached even more, and she felt it was difficult to breathe.

In fact, what he said was very hurtful, and not just once, every time he said that, she felt like she wanted to run away immediately.

Yes, he can let her go, so she can't accept such a person.

Chu Yunxi laughed lightly, but this time she smiled, tears streaming down her face.

She raised her hand to wipe her tears, not wanting to make herself so vulnerable, because of a man who put herself in such a mess, is she still Chu Yunxi?

Seeing Chu Yunxi burst into tears, Yan Heng's heart ached fiercely, as if his heart was being pinched.

He reached out to hug her and coax her.

But thinking of Chu Yunxi's repeated words, he became annoyed and stopped.

Chu Yunxi had wiped away her tears, turned around and got out of the carriage. Her movements were extremely fast, and by the time Yan Heng realized it, she had already got out of the carriage.

Outside the car, she said coldly: "My lord, change your clothes quickly. The clothes are all wrinkled. The palace banquet is about to begin."

In the car, Yan Heng raised his hand fiercely, and punched the wall of the compartment with a fist. An unrestrained sense of boredom in his heart made him go crazy.

He had a feeling that he was about to lose his grip on Chu Yunxi, she seemed to be passing away with the wind, and Yan Heng thought of Chu Yunxi's tears, those tears seemed to be dripping on his heart, making his heart burn uncomfortable.

He knew what kind of person Chu Yunxi was. No matter how difficult she encountered, it was difficult for her to shed tears.

But now she was crying, but he didn't know why she was crying and why she was suffering.

He dotes on her, loves her, and puts her first in everything, but why does she still want to leave?

In the Palace of Jade Harmony, the palace banquet began. Many people in the palace watched Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi secretly, and found that the two men ignored the other, and both of them looked unhappy.

Many people in the hall were muttering about Chu Yunxi, thinking that Chu Yunxi was a little too jealous, didn't it mean that Miss Wang Biao saved the prince?In the end, she didn't save Miss Biao. She was afraid that the prince would take Miss Biao into the palace.

But as the God of War prince of Dongchen Kingdom, how could the prince of Yanling not accept other women into the mansion if he is so outstanding.

Naturally, Chu Yunxi also heard the discussions of the people in the hall, and she sat in her seat calmly, as if she didn't hear it.

After hearing this, Qingyan and Qingwu felt unspeakably uncomfortable, how could the prince treat the master like this, no wonder the master wanted to leave.

The reason why the master fell into such a situation was caused by the prince.

At this moment, Qingyan and Qingwu felt that their master would be able to live better if they left, and they both knew that the master might really want to leave.

Inexplicably, the two maids also felt a little excited.

They were finally able to go outside and have a look.

In the hall, apart from looking at and talking about Chu Yunxi, everyone also whispered about another person.

This person is Sun Yuwenye, the emperor of Dongchen Kingdom. Because of the rumors circulating secretly in the capital, everyone looked at Yuwenye with a kind of colored eyes.

Yu Wenye also noticed this abnormality, but he really couldn't figure out why everyone looked at him strangely from one day to the next.

What happened to him?Is it because he is not dressed properly, or something is wrong, Yu Wenye checked himself up and down, and finally confirmed that there is nothing wrong with him, so what is wrong?

 Dear friends always ask why the heroine doesn't leave, this requires planning, didn't you see that the heroine won't let her go?But she's already getting ready.

(End of this chapter)

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