Chapter 455
In the main hall, Yuwen Lingtian naturally also saw the expressions of everyone, and he was furious beyond words, who and who spread such rumors, if he found out, he would definitely tear those people apart.

While thinking, Yuwen Lingtian looked at the envoys of Bei Yao Kingdom under the main hall.

The leader was Yeluzhong, the fourth prince of Beiyao, followed by the prime minister of Beiyao and the Minister of Industry.

Yeluzhong was tall and burly, he walked vigorously, and looked at people with a hint of ferocity.

People from Beiyao country are good at riding and shooting, and they live by hunting and hunting. The reason why they eat meat and kill animals all the year round, so they look very fierce, which is different from Yushu Linfeng from Dongchen country.

Many ladies from aristocratic families in the palace were a little scared when they saw Yeluzhong. Thinking that the people of Beiyao wanted to marry tonight, these women became more and more panicked. It's not their turn either.

These people feel at ease again. Above the main hall, in order to divert everyone's attention and prevent everyone from staring at Yu Wenye, the old emperor Yuwen Lingtian said slowly: "Prince Yelu came from afar, I respect Yelu A cup for the prince."

Yeluzhong finally took his gaze back from the national teacher Ye Ling. The reason why Yeluzhong was sent to Dongchen Kingdom to discuss peace was because he had received news that his prince and brother had been appointed as an embassy in Dongchen Kingdom. National Division.

Yeludu had always had ambitions for Bei Yao's throne, and he wanted to bring down his prince and brother, so when he heard that the prince and brother were serving as the national teacher in Dongchen Kingdom, he gave his father an idea and asked Peace with Dongchen Kingdom.

Because the border of Dongchen Kingdom is guarded by the Yan family army, the monarch of Beiyao Kingdom also knows that there will be no war in a short period of time, so he agreed to the peace talks.

Yeluzhong asked to lead the team to Dongchen Kingdom, and Beiyao agreed.

The reason why Yeluzhong came here was because he didn't want to put all the credit in the hands of his prince and brother. If he really destroyed Dongchen, would he still have hope to get rid of this prince and brother and become the king of Beiyao? ?

So he came here this time to see if he could get some credit, and if he couldn't get any credit, he would destroy Brother Huang's affairs so that he wouldn't get any credit either.

It's just that Yeluzhong took a closer look and found that the national teacher only had Shen Yun somewhat like his imperial brother, but his face was not.

However, his prince and brother are very skilled in medicine, and it is easy to change his appearance.

So Yeluzhong decided to find an opportunity to test this national teacher.It's just that the most important thing in front of us is to discuss peace.

Thinking about it, Yeluzhong picked up his wine glass and looked at the old emperor at the top of the hall: "Thank you Dongchen for your hospitality."

Yuwen Lingtian laughed, and had a drink with Yelu Zhong: "Prince Yelu is for peace between the two countries, and I, Dongchen, naturally welcome it. I don't want war either. War will hurt innocent people. If we are peaceful, It is the blessing of the country and the people."

Yeluzhong laughed loudly, and said boldly: "Your Majesty is so right, that's why my father ordered me to come to discuss peace. I hope that in the next few decades, we will all coexist peacefully and never wage war again."

Everyone in the hall laughed together. In fact, many people were skeptical. The reason why the people of Beiyao are negotiating a peace is not because they can't beat the Yan family army. If they can beat the Yan family army, will they have a peaceful meeting?

But at this time, no one said anything disappointing, and the old emperor also cheered and responded.

"Yes, I hope we will have no more wars in the future and be peaceful forever."

After Yuwen Lingtian finished speaking, Yeluzhong put down his wine glass and looked at Yuwen Lingtian and said, "To express our determination to make peace, my father specially ordered me to bring the most beautiful woman and the most precious treasure from Bei Yao, and let my prince Marry Dongchen's princess as a show of friendship."

After Yeluzhong finished speaking, he clapped his hands towards the outside of the hall, and a group of women in different red dresses walked in from outside the hall.

These women are different from Dongchen's women, their waists are so thin that it is doubtful that they can be cut off with a pinch.
In the hall, the courtiers of Dongchen Kingdom felt it was difficult to breathe when they saw these women, and they all wished to keep their eyes on these women.

In the hall, the wives and young ladies of various families stared at these women secretly.
Chu Yunxi knew that this was a matter of Bei Yao's attire, and had nothing to do with seduce or not, but Chu Yunxi had to admit it.

These women are indeed carefully selected, and all of them are beautiful.
Chu Yunxi was watching intently, when she suddenly felt that her hand was being held, she looked down, and Yan Heng's big hand stretched out to hold her small hand.

Chu Yunxi really doesn't want to get used to his faults. Every time something happens, she calls her trouble, and then coaxes her without explaining it clearly. Is it interesting?

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the more annoyed he was, intending to free his hand, but it was a pity that Yan Heng's hand was so strong that he held it tightly, and Chu Yunxi couldn't free it.

She raised her eyes and looked at Yan Heng coldly. Yan Heng raised her phoenix eyebrows lightly, her black eyes were full of helpless doting, he reached out and took a piece of fried scallop with chopsticks and put it on the plate in front of Chu Yunxi. Said gently.

"Okay, don't be angry, you didn't eat much at night."

As long as she thinks of her crying, Yan Heng will feel distressed, plus she didn't eat much at night, the little annoyance in Yan Heng's heart will disappear.

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi didn't buy his account at all, and didn't even look at the things in front of him, but only looked up at the group of women who walked in from outside the hall.

Yan Heng's eyes were full of helplessness, but he held his hand firmly, not letting go, not only did he not let go, he even scratched Chu Yunxi's palm with the tip of his hand.

If Chu Yunxi hadn't held back, she really wanted to slap him across the face, but considering the current situation, she still held back.

At this moment, there were bursts of gasps in the hall, followed by exclamations.

"God, it's so beautiful."

After hearing this, Chu Yunxi looked up quickly, and saw a woman who stood out from the group of women who had entered the hall earlier.

This woman was also dressed in a red exotic dress, which was similar to the dress of the Bei Yao beauty who came in earlier, except that her clothes were more delicate and more colorful.

On the veiled face of the woman in red, a pair of blue eyes are as attractive as jewels.

(End of this chapter)

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