Chapter 487

Yeluxie was talking outside himself, and the men behind the car were terrified. Others only said that their master was as elegant as the breeze and the moon. In fact, only they knew that the master's dark methods were more cruel and ruthless. Is Princess Ling paying attention?
Can it be?They knew that Princess Yanling was beautiful and smart, but this didn't make their master so fascinated that he even said that he would only marry one woman in his life.

In the car, Chu Yunxi couldn't listen any longer, and raised the curtain with a bang, looked at Yeluxie and said, "Prince Yelu, tell me, what attracts you to me, should I change my career?"

Outside the car, Yeluxie's sword eyebrows were faintly smiling, and on Gao Lang's indifferent face, the black pupils seemed to be as light and clear as a pool of clear water.

To be honest, Yeluxie's appearance is not inferior to Yan Heng's. On the contrary, his appearance is easier to accept. He is as elegant as the breeze and the moon, but the beauty on the outside does not represent the beauty on the inside. Although Chu Yunxi gets along with this person It wasn't long, but I knew that he was definitely a cold-hearted person.

Would such a person be so interested in her just because of the few times they met, and thus allow him to be the crown princess?
Chu Yunxi sneered, Yeluxie's black pupils became even more radiant, and when he looked at Chu Yunxi, he seemed affectionate.

"Everything in you attracts solitary, and solitary falls for you."

When Yeluxie's words fell, Chu Yunxi immediately vomited without saving face. When she raised her eyes again, she looked at Yeluxie and said, "Prince Yeluu, stop acting. You pretend that I don't know that you are just luring me to Beiyao. Don't be fooled, you are just interested in me now at best, if you think I'm a mindless person, will you really fall for your fool? Bah."

Chu Yunxi slammed the curtain after speaking, ignoring the man outside who was convulsed.

The man burst out laughing, his brows and eyes were bewitched with a smile, and he lost a lot of the appearance of a banished fairy, and more of a demonic aura.

The subordinates behind him became even more frightened. His Royal Highness seemed to be really interested in this Princess Yanling. It had been a long time since he laughed so wildly, and this Princess Yanling was indeed very smart.

She was able to see through His Highness's way of seducing her before. If it were another woman, she would be fooled. She really thought His Highness had taken a fancy to her.

Even they were fooled just now, thinking that His Highness really fell in love with Princess Yanling.

Outside the carriage, after Yeluxie finished laughing, he said charmingly, "It's true that I'm the one Gu likes, it's just that it's different."

With the black line of Chu Yunxi, He Yunhe beside the carriage in front of him was in a very depressed mood. The Yanling King had just left, and now another Yeluxie came.

Although Yun Xi didn't believe that Yeluxie had taken a fancy to her, he could see it clearly. The man looked at her with eyes full of captivity.

He Yunhe felt indescribably sour, whether he would never be able to compare with these men around her.

The carriage drove all the way into He Yunhe's villa, looking at the villa.

In Wanglong Villa, the servants had already received He Yunhe's arrangement, so as soon as the carriage arrived, someone came to greet him.

After Chu Yunxi and the others got off the carriage, it was completely dark. He Yunhe came over and took Chu Yunxi to the courtyard where they lived.

No one paid any attention to Yeluxie who was behind, but Yeluxie was also strangely silent, Chu Yunxi was just about to say how this person is so knowledgeable.

As a result, when she turned around and the man was following her, Chu Yunxi looked at Yeluxie with a dark face and said, "What are you following me for?"

(End of this chapter)

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