Chapter 488 Funny
Yeluxie took it for granted and said, "I'm your guest, if I'm not following you, who will I follow?"

Chu Yunxi was so angry that she wanted to give him a slap in the face, but it was a pity that her Yuanli cultivation was too low right now, so as soon as she was out of Yeluxie's range, she would enter the Tianling Pagoda of the He family to practice.

Chu Yunxi didn't want to pay attention to Yeluxie, but in the current situation, it is impossible to ignore it.

"Yunhe, find a yard farthest from me for Prince Yelu."

He Yunhe was about to ask someone to arrange it, when Yeluxie spoke again: "I want the yard next to your yard, otherwise I will live in your yard."

Chu Yunxi's face turned black, is there anyone more shameless than this?What kind of immortal, don't eat the fireworks of the world, bullshit, just a shameless thing.

"Prince Yelu, do you think it is appropriate to pick and choose when you are a guest at someone's house?"

Chu Yunxi had a headache, she didn't understand why Yeluxie had targeted her, and now she regretted bringing this guy here.

Yeluxie said with a serious face: "Gu never picks three or four, because wherever he goes, everyone will treat him as a guest of honor."

So he picked three and picked four because they didn't treat him as a guest of honor. Chu Yunxi looked at He Yunhe with a headache and said, "Choose the best yard for him, who will let him be Prince Beiyao?"

If one day her Yuanli cultivation base is greater than Yeluxie's, she will definitely settle this account with him.

Before He Yunhe could speak, Yeluxie said again, "I want the yard next to Xiao Yunxi."

Chu Yunxi was already unable to say anything more. What happened to her today had completely exceeded her energy. She just wanted to rest now.

"Arrange it for him."

He Yunhe looked at Ye Luxie with an unfriendly expression, secretly thinking whether to find someone to clean up Ye Luxie, because he dared to be so arrogant in his territory, he should be damned.

Seeing his expression, Chu Yunxi knew what he was thinking, and quickly patted He Yunhe on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Don't fight with him, he is a master of the Martial King Realm, if you get angry, you little fellow!" Zhuang may be turned into ruins."

He Yunhe's heart was suffocated, and he couldn't say a word. The two most powerful subordinates under him were both ninth-rank great martial artists.

So there is a reason why Prince Yelu is so arrogant.

He Yunhe held his breath, and called someone over to arrange for Yeluxie to live in the courtyard next to Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi led Zhaozhao and the others into the courtyard arranged for her by He Yunhe. As soon as they entered the courtyard, Qingyan and Qingwu said, "Master, what should we do? It seems that Prince Yelu wants to take master to Beiyao Kingdom. "

"Did he really fall in love with the master?" Qingwu asked suspiciously.Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "You believe his nonsense, he just thinks I'm funny, so he made fun of me."

In fact, there is another reason why Chu Yunxi didn't say it, because Yeluxie has always been unable to fight against Yan Heng, and she is Yan Heng's woman, so that guy probably wants to pry Yan Heng's corner, which is also considered to be from a certain point of view. Yan Heng won the fight.

When Chu Yunxi thought of Yan Heng, his chest felt tight and he didn't want to talk anymore.

"Okay, let's go to rest today, wash up and go to sleep."

Qingyan and Qingwu knew that Chu Yunxi was not in a good mood today, so they led Zhao Zhao and others back out.

After a while, Qingyan brought hot water in, Chu Yunxi didn't say much, just washed up and fell asleep, but when he lay on the bed, he couldn't sleep for a while, so he could only look at the green gauze curtain above his head, and he had been sleeping with Yeluxie before. She didn't think of Yan Heng too much, but now that she calmed down, she couldn't help but think of Yan Heng, and she might be very angry right now.

(End of this chapter)

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