Chapter 503
At the back of the mountain, Chu Yunxi followed He Yunhe all the way to the outside of the mountain range, but before the group of them shot to the north of the mountain range, they saw the phantom He Yunhe sent to inquire about the situation coming back quickly.

"Second Young Master, the trouble is serious. King Yanling actually ordered someone to seal off the mountain behind. Right now, there is no way to get out of the back mountain. What should we do?"

He Yunhe's face changed, and Chu Yunxi's also changed. She wouldn't be so unlucky, she would be caught if she left.

It is conceivable that with Yan Heng's fury right now, if she falls into his hands, she will be fine.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Qingyan on one side said with a terrified face: "Master, it's not good, the prince is here after him."

"He is using Yuan Consciousness to search the surrounding mountains."

Although Chu Yunxi's cultivation level of Yuanli is not that high, she is at least the cultivation level of a ninth-rank martial artist, so she can feel the Yuanli fluctuations spreading continuously in front of her, such a powerful Yuanli Fluctuation, no accident, must be Yan Heng searching the situation in the mountains.

Chu Yunxi even wants to die, she doesn't understand, isn't it just a divorce?As for making her look like a fugitive on death row, chase after her.

He Yunhe on the side suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunxi's hand and walked away: "Follow me."

Chu Yunxi was in a hurry at this time, so she didn't notice it at all, but He Yunhe, who was holding her hand in front of her, felt her heart beating so fast that it was about to jump out of her chest.

However, He Yunhe also knew that it is better to escape this catastrophe first, so he restrained all his thoughts and concentrated on thinking about how to escape this catastrophe. He Yunhe knew that if Yan Heng found them this time, no matter if it was Yun Xi or He is not going well, so they can't be caught by him right now.

A group of people went straight to a mountain range on the left side, and Yan Heng from behind had detected several waves of fluctuations in front with Yuanli, and one of the Yuanli fluctuations belonged to Chu Yunxi and others. His subordinates said: "You, go there, you go there, this king will take people there, and drive all the insignificant people out of the mountains."

Wei Li was worried that Yan Heng would lead someone to chase him alone, so he couldn't help shouting: "My lord, I'd better follow you."

Yan Heng cast a cold glance at Wei Li, and Wei Li felt cold all over his body, as if he was walking on thin ice, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

The current prince is completely a demon, and if he disagrees with him, he will be furious.

So Wei Li immediately waved his hand and led people to investigate, and another of Yan Heng's subordinates also led people to the other side to investigate.

Yan Heng led people straight to one of them, but at this time he didn't know that the people he was chasing were Chu Yunxi and others.

Chu Yunxi and the others just shot desperately towards a mountain on the left, and they reached the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye. As soon as everyone settled down, Qingyan behind said with a bad face: "No, it seems that someone is chasing from behind, come here The speed is extremely fast, it can't be the prince."

Chu Yunxi's face immediately became extremely ugly. Seeing that her sister's complexion was not good, Zhao Zhao's face became extremely cruel, and she shouted angrily: "Come on, we are not afraid of him. If he dares to bully my sister, I will Just kill him."

Xiaodouzi immediately nodded agreeingly: "Yeah, I'll help you, young master."

(End of this chapter)

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