Chapter 504 I Will Break Your Leg

Zhaozhao entered the Tianling Pagoda this time, Yuan Li advanced very quickly. He is already a second-tier martial artist, and Xiaodouzi is also a sixth-tier martial artist. It can be said that their team is very powerful right now. team combination.

Even if they meet a master of the Martial King Realm, they can still fight, but right now they are likely to meet a sixth-rank Martial King. No, maybe he has become a seventh-rank Martial King now. There is a very powerful existence, even if they try their best, they may not have a chance of winning.

So for now all they can do is avoid it.

When Chu Yunxi heard Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi's words, he ignored them, but looked at He Yunhe, who quickly pointed to a spring under the cliff, and said, "Hurry up, everyone enters the hot spring, this hot spring can calm people down." All the fluctuations in the body cannot be detected by people."

As soon as He Yunhe's words fell, Chu Yunxi ordered everyone behind him: "Hurry up, go down the cliff."

Although the cliff was very high, they were not worried at all because they were all masters of Yuanli.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand, pulled Chu Yunzhao and Xiaodouzi, and jumped down the cliff first, while Qingyan and Qingwu behind them carried the Flying Silver Wolf and went down. He Yunhe ordered his subordinates to lead him, A group of people floated down from the top of the cliff in the blink of an eye.

As soon as everyone got off the cliff and fell into the hot spring, several people fell from the top of the cliff.

The leader was Yan Heng, who was dressed in black clothes and had a cold and gloomy face. As soon as Yan Heng landed, he felt a faint fragrance of peach blossoms in the air, which was exactly what Chu Yunxi had. In other words, Chu Yunxi was here just now.

Thinking of the woman avoiding him, Yan Heng's heart became more and more furious. He raised his hand abruptly, and powerful energy rushed towards the trees beside him. With a bang, countless broken branches and leaves flew like flying sand. .

Under the cliff, when Chu Yunxi and others heard the movement above, none of them dared to reveal the slightest movement.

Yan Heng suddenly smiled coldly: "Chu Yunxi, you'd better not let me catch you. If I catch you, I will definitely break your legs. Let's see how you still run?"

His voice was so bloodthirsty, at the bottom of the cliff, Chu Yunxi, Zhao Zhao and the others used Yuanli to eavesdrop. When they heard Yan Heng's words, Zhao Zhao was the first to get angry. This villain actually wanted to break his sister's leg , too hateful.

As soon as Zhaozhao lifted his little head, he came out of the water, wanting to open his mouth to curse.

Chu Yunxi's expression changed beside him, and he quickly stretched out his hand to grab his head and press it down.

But her movements brought up a subtle sound of splashing water, which Yan Heng, who was in a bad mood on the top of the cliff, heard.

He frowned, and said coldly, "Who?"

At the bottom of the cliff, Chu Yunxi didn't dare to make a sound, and now Zhao Zhao knew that he had caused trouble and didn't dare to make a sound.

Yan Heng's handsome face on the cliff became more and more gloomy and cold, and all the subordinates behind him were silent. Yan Heng suddenly mobilized his energy and searched around, and soon he found that there was a wave of energy not far in front, Yan Heng As soon as his figure moved, he shot forward quickly, and the subordinates behind him hurriedly followed.

As soon as he left, the people at the bottom of the cliff felt it. It was because Yan Heng's energy fluctuations were too strong, and they felt it as soon as he left.

Zhao Zhao leaned out of the hot spring, gasped and said, "Sister, that scoundrel is gone, shall we go up?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head and said, "Don't move, he will come back."

Yan Heng probably left because he discovered that there was a wave of Yuanli in front of him. If he didn't find anything after searching, he might come back. If they went out, he might find them.

(End of this chapter)

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