Chapter 519
Looking at the situation behind, Chu Yunxi felt a little headache. She looked at Jin Yuanbao and said, "What are you doing with my brother?"

Jin Yuanbao said quickly, "He looks so good-looking, just like my younger brother."

Jin Yuanbao used to have a younger brother who fell ill and died later, so when he saw Chu Yunzhao, he was overjoyed.

Chu Yunxi looked at him speechlessly. It turned out that this guy is not only a chatterbox, but also a bit of a criminal.

It's just that they are in a hurry to leave now, and they don't have time to entangle with Jin Yuanbao too much.

Chu Yunxi thought about it, looked at Jin Yuanbao and said, "You can run away with us, but in the future, if you are not allowed to talk, then don't say anything, and if you want to follow my brother, you must protect him, you know?"

"Know, know."

Jin Yuanbao was overjoyed, and as soon as he raised his hand, he put Chu Yunzhao on his neck.

Chu Yunzhao was also happy, giggling, Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to Jin Yuanbao, she turned to look at Shuangxi and the others behind her.

If Yan Heng thought about what happened on the back hillside, he might become angry from embarrassment, and if these people stayed, it might not be a good thing.

Although she didn't want to pay attention to these things, they were also innocent.

Chu Yunxi thought for a while, and took out a few bank notes from her body, all of which had a face value of 2000 taels.

"You take the 1 taels of silver notes and go down the mountain immediately. If you wait until the previous people go up the mountain, all of you will die."

Jin Yuanbao was a bit reluctant to part with these subordinates at first, and couldn't bear to just throw them away like this, but now seeing Chu Yunxi give 1 taels of silver notes as soon as he made a move.

The guilt in his heart was gone, and he was extremely happy instead.

Because they can't earn so much by robbing their homes.

"Double Happiness, you guys took the money, divided up the things, and hurried down the mountain. After I'm done with the boss, I'll call you back later, and I'll definitely make you eat and drink spicy food."

"Okay, okay." Shuangxi and the others were happy, and immediately went to distribute money and things.

Here Chu Yunxi led the people all the way down the mountain. Jin Yuanbao looked at Chu Yunxi in front of him and thought to himself, so this female devil has a very good heart.

The reason why he thinks she is a female devil is because she ordered people to kill without blinking last night. Now it seems that this female devil is very just and does not kill innocent people.

Just as Jin Yuanbao was thinking, Chu Yunzhao on his neck spoke.

"Yuan Bao, you are not allowed to call my sister a female devil in the future, you know? My sister has a good heart and is the best sister in the world."

"Yeah, I see, I know the boss is a good man."

After hearing what he said, Chu Yunzhao was very satisfied, touched his head and said, "Yuan Bao, you will call me Zhaozhao from now on."

"Okay, okay," Jin Yuanbao nodded happily. Chu Yunxi in front naturally heard the voice behind, but she ignored it.

When a group of people reached the foot of the mountain, Huanfeng, Mirage and others pulled out the previously hidden carriage.

He Yunhe glanced at the people around him and said: "Next, everyone will disguise themselves, the adults will disguise themselves as middle-aged people, Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi will disguise themselves as young girls, and Silver Wolf will stay in the carriage wall. Don't come out."

No one objected to He Yunhe's words, everyone got into the carriage and asked Chu Yunxi to change their faces for them.

Chu Yunxi is proficient in medical skills and knows the changes in the bones of the human face at each growth ring stage, so the person who has been disguised by her is really like a middle-aged person.

After everyone changed their faces, they got into two carriages, with Huanfeng driving in front, and Chu Yunxi, Qingyan and Qingwu, and He Yunhe were sitting in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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