Chapter 520
Driving behind is Phantom, sitting Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi Flying Silver Wolf, and Jin Yuanbao.

Jin Yuanbao really liked Chu Yunzhao, and he was a chatterbox, so he kept talking endlessly. Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi were quite happy, laughing from time to time.

The atmosphere in the carriage behind was particularly good, but the atmosphere in the carriage in front was not so good.

The closer the carriage got to Xuncheng, the more dignified the atmosphere inside the carriage.

Right now Yan Heng is in Xuncheng, and he is very furious now, if they are caught, one can imagine what will happen.

Seeing that Chu Yunxi was in a bad mood, He Yunhe immediately raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "Yunxi, let me tell you a joke."

Chu Yunxi couldn't bear to brush off his kindness: "You can tell jokes, so tell them and laugh."

He Yunhe started talking, his voice was bright and hearty, making people feel relaxed after hearing it.

"Women don't feed their sons, but my grandfather coaxed him after seeing it. If you don't eat me, I will eat it! When my husband heard it, he said that my father was shameless, and my grandfather was very angry. You eat my wife's milk for three years, and I will eat you." A wife can't do it."

After He Yunhe finished speaking, all the people in the carriage laughed, but as the laughter fell to the ground, Chu Yunxi and the second servant girl Qingyan Qingwu behind him became embarrassed. He Yunhe also remembered that what he said was a dirty joke. The son felt uncomfortable.

"Haha, I, I just heard about it by chance from someone else's worker."

After he finished speaking, he was embarrassed to stay in the carriage and lifted the curtain to sit beside Huanfeng in front.

Outside, Huanfeng glanced at his master, holding back a smile desperately.

After He Yunhe glared at Huanfeng, his cheeks blushed unconsciously.

In the carriage, Chu Yunxi relaxed a lot because of a joke He Yunhe told.

She began to seriously think about how to get out of the city after entering Xuncheng.

The two carriages drove straight to Xuncheng.

At this time, Yan Heng had brought Wei Li and his personal guards all the way into Xuncheng. On the way, Yan Heng always felt that he had missed something in Heifengzhai before, what was it that he missed.

Yan Heng began to think about it when he entered the Black Peak Village, and finally he pulled his body back abruptly and fell to the ground, his beautiful face was full of gloom.

Wei Li behind him quickly said, "My lord, what's the matter?"

Yan Heng wanted to kill someone, and he could have caught Chu Yunxi just before.

He remembered, those peach blossoms were obviously weird.

How could there be peach blossoms in this kind of weather? When he was in Hejia Tianling Pagoda, he still thought that the peach blossoms grew very well because of the hot springs, but there was no hot spring in Heifengzhai, so where did the peach blossoms come from.

So the peach blossom is no accident, it is a formation, which can hide the fluctuation of the energy in the human body.

Well, that's great.

Yan Heng clenched her fingers fiercely, and all the veins stood out on her white fist.

His eyes were dark and deep, like a thousand-year-old ice pool overflowing with cold air.

Wei Li looked at such a master and didn't dare to say a word.

As soon as Yan Heng's body moved, he dodged to leave, and the rear guard quickly followed his movements: "My lord, where are you going?"

Yan Heng shot out of Xuncheng with a few of his subordinates behind him, and two carriages drove over unhurriedly outside Xuncheng.

In front of the carriage, He Yunhe caught sight of Yan Heng who was shooting past, he quickly lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

And Chu Yunxi in the carriage also vaguely saw through the bead curtain that Yan Heng was heading straight for Heifengzhai like a stream of light.

 Dear ones, please support me a lot, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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