Chapter 548 She Can't Die

Yan Heng walked over step by step with his blood-red eyes open. After hearing what Qingyan and Qingwu said, Yeluxie, the prince of Beiyao Kingdom, slowly squatted down and looked at the severed limb in tattered brocade. Heartbroken, he called out.

"Little Yunxi, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Heng roared like a bloodthirsty lion behind him: "Shut up, come and beat this man out to me."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hands and roared towards the surroundings like crazy: "Go away, the princess is not dead, she just escaped."

After Yanheng finished speaking, Yeluxie got up, glared at him angrily and said fiercely: "Is there something wrong with your brain? Little Yunxi was blown to death with the Dragon Kun Pearl, you killed her, it must be like this, If it weren't for you, she wouldn't have died so easily."

Yan Heng only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and he thought over and over again what Mu Xiu had reported to him earlier: "Princess, she was poisoned by the ice fire green flame grass, and her whole body was weak."

She was poisoned and couldn't run away, so...
Thinking of this, Yan Heng felt palpitated, and felt that the whole person was going crazy, no, no, that woman Chu Yunxi is a very smart woman, she will be fine, she ran out like before this time, she must be That's right.

Yan Heng kept chanting silently, and finally he felt that his thoughts were true, that woman Chu Yunxi was not dead.

After thinking about it, he looked at Yeluxie suddenly: "Did you help her escape, was it you?"

As soon as he finished his words, he raised his hand abruptly to use Yuanli, Yeluxie's expression on the other side was also very ugly, he raised his hand to use Yuanli in the same way, intending to fight Yan Heng.

Mu Xiu hurriedly rushed over to look at Yeluxie and said, "Prince Yelu, our Majesty has clearly stipulated that masters of Yuanli are not allowed to tamper with in the capital. If you fight our prince, we will report to His Majesty. You must Give us Dongchen an explanation."

The reason why Mu Xiu said this was because he wanted Yeluxie to go away. The prince's mind is a little confused now. If he makes a move, he will definitely strike with all his strength, and Yeluxie, the prince of Beiyao Kingdom, is also a master of the Martial King Realm.

When the two masters fought against each other, they feared that not a single blade of grass would grow in the Yanling Palace, not only the Yanling Palace, but also the surrounding mansions would definitely be affected.

That's why Mu Xiu reminded Yeluxie that Yeluxie's black eyebrows were cold and his black pupils were gloomy, but when he finally saw Yan Heng exerting his strength, he still dodged away.

"Yan Heng, you killed Xiao Yunxi, I won't just let it go."

As soon as he finished speaking, he shot up steeply and headed straight for the night.

In Yanling Prince's Mansion, Yan Heng stopped his hands dumbly, and turned to look at the bombed-out courtyard.

He didn't move or smile, just stared blankly, his whole body became like a stone sculpture.

The subordinates behind him were all uncomfortable, Mu Xiu said slowly: "My lord, by the way, we will find out the murderer who killed the concubine, and we will not spare that person."

Yan Heng slowly turned his head and looked at Mu Xiu who was behind him. He frowned lightly, and said with sinister eyes: "Mu Xiu, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, this king tore your mouth, and, take someone to go immediately Catch the princess, she escaped, she is so smart, how could she die..."

Mu Xiu opened his mouth, wanting to say that the princess is dead, he had personally checked the princess for poisoning before, and how could the princess know such a powerful person who is a master of the second-order martial arts realm.

(End of this chapter)

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