Chapter 549 Resisting Waking Up

Mu Xiu couldn't say what he wanted to say, he was too ugly to see his prince's expression, he was afraid of irritating him.

In the end, he had no choice but to obey in a deep voice: "My lord, don't worry, I will let the people from Qianji Pavilion do this."

As soon as Mu Xiu's words fell, Yan Heng's body softened and fell to the ground. He was so angry that he fainted. Mu Xiu quickly reached out to support him, and Wei Li and Fu Sheng stepped forward and exclaimed in unison: "My lord! .”

Mu Xiu looked up at Fu Sheng and said, "You immediately notify the people in Qianji Pavilion to find out the whereabouts of the princess."

Wei Li frowned, and said with a heavy heart, "The princess is dead, how can you pay it back?"

"This is the prince's order. The prince doesn't believe that the princess is dead," Mu Xiu thought, and his mood became worse. Wei Li looked at his prince, and then at the person behind him who was blown to pieces. His heart seemed to be caught by something. General pain.

He looked at Yan Heng and said, "My lord, since you are suffering so much, why doesn't the concubine cherish her life well?"

The expressions of Mu Xiu and Fu Sheng changed at the same time, they glared at Wei Li at the same time and said, "Shut up, you're going to die."

Wei Li didn't say anything, Mu Xiu waved his hand and told Wei Li and Fu Sheng to do what he had told him.

The two left quickly, while Mu Xiu brought Yanheng into Youxue Pavilion, and ordered the steward of the palace to find all the corpses of the princess, and then put them in the coffin.

Nuoda's Yanling Palace was in chaos.

In the middle of the night, Yan Heng developed a high fever and kept talking nonsense.

"Chu Yunxi, is your heart made of iron?"

"Why are you so cruel, you said, whatever you want, I will give you everything."

"Quickly, go find the princess, she has escaped."

In the room, Mu Xiu was busy cooling Yan Heng's fever, and the old concubine sitting on one side was crying, she sobbed and urged Mu Xiu, "Quickly cool down the prince."

Because of the reason why Yan Heng practiced Yuanli since childhood, his health is particularly good, and he has never been sick since childhood.

So this disease really frightened the old princess.

In the room, Mu Xiu fed the prince's fever-reducing medicine, and then smeared Yan Heng's body with anti-fever medicine.

Hearing the cries of the old concubine behind him, he couldn't help feeling annoyed. The reason why the prince and concubine are like this is not all caused by the old concubine?Now come and cry.

Now it's all right, the princess is dead, the prince is sick, it's all done by the old princess herself.

Although Mu Xiu thought so in his heart, he still held back his mouth. Wei Li on the side of the room did not have his patience.

He turned his head and looked at the old concubine angrily and said: "Old concubine, you are satisfied now. The concubine is dead, the prince has become like this, and the prince believes that the concubine has run away. If he wakes up and knows that the concubine did not run away at all, she If I die, I'm afraid I'll have to make trouble again."

The old concubine's face turned pale all of a sudden, and she cried even more sadly. She sobbed while crying: "What did I do wrong, didn't I just let Heng'er accept a side concubine? Which one is not like this, if I had If I knew it, I definitely wouldn't do it."

In the room, Mu Xiu looked at Wei Li and said coldly, "Shut up."

Even if you get angry, you can't talk to the old concubine like this, she is the master after all.

Wei Li was holding a puff of breath in his chest, he couldn't get it out, and finally rushed out, yelling and venting in the yard.

What the hell is going on here?It was fine, but it ended up like this.

People in the Yanling Prince's Mansion were panicked, and everyone was worried.

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(End of this chapter)

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