The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 550 Your Mosquitoes Are So Powerful

Chapter 550 Your Mosquitoes Are So Powerful

Dongchen Capital, twenty miles outside the north city gate, there is a group of vehicles parked at this time, with a carriage in front and several horses behind.

There was silence all around, and only when a few streamers of light floated over, the people in the carriage stretched out their hands and lifted the curtain to look out of the carriage.

The several figures that floated over from outside the carriage had already landed. The leading man was wearing an elegant robe embroidered with plums, his black hair was hanging down, and his whole body was elegant and gorgeous, with indescribable elegance in his gestures. He walked slowly to the front of the carriage and smiled lightly. Looking at the people in the carriage.

"Xiao Yunxi, what's the matter? His face is so ugly."

The person in the carriage was Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi's face was particularly ugly at this time, and his almond eyes were coldly looking at the man outside the carriage, the prince of Beiyao Kingdom, Yeluxie.

"Yeluxie, forget what I told you earlier, don't hurt the innocent."

Yeluxie flicked his long sleeves, leaned gracefully against the side of the carriage, and said softly, "Little Yunxi, I didn't hurt innocent people."

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "Do you think I'm a fool? Did you hurt anyone when you made such a big noise earlier?"

Yeluxie's dark eyes narrowed slightly at the girl in the sedan chair. Under the faint light, the girl's brows and eyes were stained with a layer of frost, and she glared at him angrily. She was obviously angry, but her appearance was so vivid. A pair of black pupils are like jasper orbs fainted in spring water, which makes people unable to put it down after looking at them.

Yeluxie thought about it, and subconsciously touched Chu Yunxi's cheek.

Chu Yunxi's face grew more angry, she raised her hand and slapped Yeluxie's hand away, and shouted angrily: "Yeluxie, do you think you can take advantage of me because you have done me a favor?"

Yeluxie was woken up by the beating, but he said calmly, "Okay, when did Gu want to take advantage of you, didn't he just see a mosquito on your face trying to crush him to death?"

Chu Yunxi gave him a cold look: "Hehe, at the end of November, there are actually mosquitoes. The mosquitoes in your house are so powerful."

Yeluxie laughed happily: "Little Yunxi, you are not cute at all, isn't Gu just kidding you?"

Chu Yunxi was too lazy to talk to this guy, she raised her eyebrows and said, "In the morning, you will go into Yanling Palace and ask my brother out."

"Okay, I will definitely do this for you."

The playful smile on Yeluxie's face subsided, he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Don't worry, I will go to Yanling Palace to ask for someone tomorrow morning, and I will take care of bringing your brother out."

Speaking of her younger brother, Chu Yunxi had a worried look on her face. She didn't tell Zhaozhao before she did this, so Zhaozhao must think that she is dead now, and I'm afraid she will die of grief.

But she couldn't tell him, if she told him, he would not be able to pretend to be heartbroken no matter what.

Then Yan Heng will find clues, so she can't tell Zhao Zhao.

Only when Yan Heng knew Zhao Zhao's painful appearance would he believe that she was really dead.

Outside the carriage, Yeluxie looked into the carriage, Chu Yunxi frowned, knowing that she was worried about her younger brother.

Yeluxie quickly promised, "Don't worry, I will enter the Yanling Palace early tomorrow morning and bring Zhaozhao out."

Chu Yunxi nodded, looked up at Yeluxie and said, "Yeluxie, I owe you a favor this time. If you need me to do anything in the future, if I can do it, I will definitely do it for you."

After she finished speaking, she put down the carriage curtain. Outside the carriage, Yeluxie stared at Jinlian, wanting to ask, do you really want to see Yan Heng again?

He seemed very sad, but he didn't say what he said.

He also fell in love with the little girl in the car, now is his chance.

(End of this chapter)

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