The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 564 Don't You Hate Children the Most?

Chapter 564 Don't You Hate Children the Most?

Yeluxie smiled lightly and looked at Chu Yunxi, "How could Gu do such a shameless thing?"

Without saying a word, he got up slowly, and stretched out his hand to embrace Zhao Zhao in Chu Yunxi's arms.

"Come and hug him alone, he is too heavy for you to hold."

Chu Yunxi immediately took a step back and kept a step away from Yeluxie: "Don't worry about Prince Yelu. If you don't want to embarrass me, send me and Zhaozhao down the mountain. As for where we go, that's our business."

Chu Yunxi decided to contact He Yunhe first, and then plan other things.

But just as she finished speaking, before Yeluxie had time to speak, a blue figure from outside the room flashed in.

As soon as the visitor came in, he clasped his fists and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, there is news from the capital that the king suddenly passed out, and the doctors in the palace were helpless. The Queen ordered people to block the news, and sent someone to send an urgent message for His Highness to return to the capital."

As soon as Yeluxie's handsome face turned cold, coldness overflowed from his black pupils, and he turned to look at his two subordinates: "Go back to Beijing immediately."

"Yes," the two subordinates responded at the same time, and retreated quickly. The blue figure who fell behind suddenly looked up at Chu Yunxi, and jealousy flashed in those cold and arrogant black pupils.

But it soon returned to normal. In the room, Yeluxie turned to look at Chu Yunxi, his pupils were as dark as a deep pool.

"Little Yunxi, this time I'm afraid I'm going to invite you to the palace of Beiyao Kingdom."

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Prince Yelu's medical skills are very powerful. The prince can solve the affairs of the king of Beiyao himself, so why let me go."

Yeluxie sighed slightly and said, "Xiao Yunxi, why are you so wary of Gu, Gu won't harm you."

Without waiting for Chu Yunxi to speak, he said, "Although Gu's medical skills are great, yours are even better than Gu's, so Gu invites you to go to Beiyao Kingdom, as if it's still yours." Lonely favor."

Chu Yunxi thought for a while, she really didn't like to owe favors to others, especially to Prince Beiyao.

Forget it, let's pay back the favor.

"Okay, I promise you to go to Beiyao country, but Yeluxie, you'd better remember, after the king of Beiyao is fine, you can't stop me from leaving, if you dare to stop me from leaving, I won't trust you again this person."

Yeluxie laughed, his handsome face was like a budding flower, his whole person was indescribably holy and elegant.

"Okay, it's up to you."

This is an opportunity for him, he will seize it well and make her stay by his side willingly.

Thinking about it, Yeluxie reached out and hugged Zhao Zhao in Chu Yunxi's embrace without saying anything. As soon as Zhao Zhao left Chu Yunxi's embrace, he moved in panic.

Yeluxie gently patted Zhao Zhao's back, and Zhao Zhao actually calmed down and continued to fall asleep.

Seeing all this, Chu Yunxi couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Yeluxie. Zhaozhao was able to rely on him, which showed that he was good to Zhaozhao during this period of time.

Chu Yunxi thought, and followed Yeluxie all the way out of the bamboo house.

Outside the house, Yeluxie's two men, Yeluan and Fengge, stared dumbfounded.

Doesn't Your Highness hate children the most?In the past, children were never allowed to approach him, but now he actually holds the child.

Ye Luan and Feng Ge looked at Chu Yunxi together, feeling uncomfortable in every possible way.

Does His Highness value this woman so much?Even her younger brother is so taken care of.

Yeluxie didn't know the shock in his subordinate's heart, he ordered coldly: "Return to Beijing immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A group of people quickly left Jiuhuan Mountain and returned to the capital of Beiyao Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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