Chapter 565 As long as she is alone

In the capital of Dongchen Kingdom, the bustling city is still there, and there is an endless flow of vehicles on the lively streets.

The carriage of Yanling Prince's Mansion was in it, and drove towards the palace without any hurry.

In the car, Yan Heng leaned coldly on the soft couch, motionless like a jade sculpture without warmth, if it wasn't for the gentle movement of the jade finger in his hand, it would really make people think it was a sculpture.

Outside the car, voices could be heard faintly.

"Isn't this the carriage of Yanling Palace?"

"Well, yes, it should be the prince. Have you heard? After the princess was killed by Long Kunzhu, the prince fell seriously ill."

"The prince of Yanling is really a good man with deep affection. Unfortunately, the princess of Yanling is unlucky. I heard that she had a big fight with the prince before she was killed in the bombing. The prince is not allowed to take concubines. This woman is not good. know what to think."

"That's right, how could a talent like Prince Yanling only marry one in his life."

The words from outside spread into the carriage, Yan Heng's face turned pale, and there was a dull pain in his heart, such pain.

It turned out that people outside said this about her, no wonder she was so angry and unwilling to stay in Yanling Palace.

Yan Heng's hand clenched unconsciously, his eyes gradually filled with hostility, and he suddenly ordered Wei Li outside: "Tell me the news immediately, if anyone says that the princess is not good, tell me Grab it, beat it hard, and see who dares to blame the princess."


Wei Li quickly responded, the current prince is really more cold and ruthless than before, as if the princess has taken away all the good thoughts in his heart.

Someone on the side of the street heard Yan Heng's words, their faces changed abruptly, and none of them dared to speak anymore.

In the carriage, Yan Heng was gasping for breath, desperate like a drowning fish, only now did he realize that no matter how many women there are in this world, he actually only wants one, and she is the only one.

He suddenly thought of what she told him before, that she wanted a man with one heart and one mind.

If she is still alive now, he will definitely tell her without hesitation that he is willing to marry only her in this life, only love her, and have no one else.

But everything was too late.

Yan Heng stretched out his hand to hold his heart, only in this way, he felt less pain.

The carriage drove all the way back to Yanling Palace, when Yan Heng got off the carriage, all the subordinates behind him saw that his face was a little pale, and Mu Xiu and Wei Li were unspeakably worried.

When will the prince be able to truly let go, the dead are gone, and the living are like this.

Yan Heng in front ignored the subordinates behind, and entered the Youxue Pavilion of Yanling Prince's Mansion calmly all the way.

Right now, the Yanling Prince's Mansion is somewhat dilapidated, the Molan Hall was destroyed by Yan Heng, and the other courtyard where Chu Yunxi lived was blown up by Long Kunzhu.

Originally, the old palace wanted the housekeeper to bring people to rebuild it, but because Yan Heng was in a bad mood, the old princess didn't dare to move.

In Youxue Pavilion, just as Yan Heng sat down, Yan Sheng opened the door and walked in. As soon as he came in, he respectfully reported: "My lord, you ask your subordinates to investigate the matter that the princess was killed by Long Kunzhu. After checking, all the clues related to this matter have been cut off, and everyone involved in this matter was killed that night."

"However, my subordinates still came to a conclusion after deciphering the cocoons. This matter is likely to be done by the old emperor Dongchen. First of all, others cannot place people in my Yanling Palace, but the old emperor must be in my Yanling Palace. Manpower, another one, this subordinate once broke into the Baibao Pavilion in the palace at night, and remembered that there seemed to be a Dragon Kun Pearl in the Baibao Pavilion in the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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