Chapter 574
In the bedroom, Yeluxie had already checked the pulse for the King of Beiyao, he slowly got up and looked at Queen Wanqi and Yu and said, "Queen Mother, King Father, he is indeed not sick or poisoned, he is just lethargic. "

As soon as Yeluxie's words fell, in the bedroom, the fourth prince Yeluzhong yelled as if he had caught something: "Yeluxie, with your medical skills, how could you fail to find out your father's illness? You clearly have ulterior motives. Sitting on the throne of the king, that's why he said that the father is not sick."

As soon as Yeluzhong finished speaking, Yeluxie shouted angrily: "Do you want your tongue anymore?"

Yeluzhong was stunned, and raised his eyes to look at Yeluxie, and found that he was looking at him coldly with black pupils, his eyes were creepy.

Yeluzhong didn't dare to say it all of a sudden, this guy is very sinister, if he offends him, he will definitely find a way to punish him, right now the father is unconscious, if this guy comes to power, I'm afraid he will die It can't be done.

Yeluzhong murmured dissatisfiedly while thinking, "Could it be that this is what makes the father unconscious."

Yeluxie said coldly: "I just said that I can't find out for the time being, but I will still investigate, and I will definitely find out why the father is so sleepy?"

Yeluzhong stopped talking, and Yeluxie looked at Chu Yunxi who was beside him and said, "I have someone arrange for you to rest in Zhuangyi Palace next to Wanrui Palace. Later, let's study together, why is my father in a coma? Awake."

Chu Yunxi nodded. In order to come to Beiyao to save the king of Beiyao, they had been riding in a carriage, and she just felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Chu Yunxi nodding, Yeluxie looked at Sister Wanji who was beside Wan Teng and Yu and said, "Please, Sister Wanji, arrange some guests. Be sure to entertain her well."

Sister Wanji immediately responded, "Yes, Your Highness."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Chu Yunxi, secretly guessing the relationship between Chu Yunxi and her Highness.

Chu Yunxi seemed not to notice, nodded to Yeluxie, and left Wanrui Palace's bedroom behind Sister Wanji.

However, when the group of them passed by the fourth prince Yeluzhong, Yeluzhong still winked at her, and Chu Yunxi gave him a cold look before walking over.

Not only was Yeluzhong not angry, but he found it interesting and kept staring at Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi raised his hand and rubbed his forehead with a headache, and scolded Yeluxie in his heart. She didn't want to stay in Beiyao country for a moment, but he still wanted to bring her to Beiyao country wholeheartedly.

Sister Wanji in the front has been silently looking at Chu Yunxi in the back, guessing about the relationship between Chu Yunxi and Yeluxie.

In the end, she couldn't help but ask: "Miss Yunxian must have a good relationship with our Highness, right?"

After hearing the name, Chu Yunxi scolded Yeluxie again, and then she said slowly, "It's not much better. I owe Your Highness a favor. I came to Beiyao Kingdom to repay the favor."

Sister Wan Ji was slightly taken aback, she thought that this woman had taken a fancy to their highness, but it sounded like she was separating the relationship.

Is it possible that there are still women in this world who look down on their highness?
Sister Wan Ji looked at Chu Yunxi incredulously, and found that her eyes were very serious, and she didn't look like she was playing hard to get.

So Ms. Heina is worrying for nothing.

Sister Wanji breathed a sigh of relief. She watched His Highness and Miss Haina grow up, so she was naturally happy to see their childhood sweethearts become a couple.

Sister Wanji thought about it, and said with a benevolent smile, "I'm overthinking, Miss Yunxian please."

The group of people had already walked to the main hall outside the Wanrui Palace while talking. Many people in the main hall were waiting for the situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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