Chapter 575
As soon as these people saw Sister Wanji coming out, they rushed over to ask what was going on inside.

"Mommy, what's going on inside? Has Father woke up?"

"Father, why is he doing this?"

"Brother Wang, did you find out what kind of poison your father was poisoned with?"

There was a rush of words, and this time, Chu Yunxi raised his eyes and found that the monarch of Beiyao Kingdom had more than a dozen sons, and among them, he might not be considered dead.

Chu Yunxi was stunned. The emperor of Beiyao Kingdom was really capable of giving birth to so many sons.

But this also shows that the emperor of Beiyao Kingdom is lustful, no, the men of Beiyao Kingdom are basically lustful.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a petite woman arguing with a tall and plump woman beside the crowd.

Chu Yunxi immediately recognized that petite woman as Zuo Yan, the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion of Dongchen Kingdom.

Zuo Yan was petite and slender, standing among a group of tall and plump women, like a child.

It's just that although she is small, she is not weak, and her quarrels are loud.

"Seventh Prince Concubine, you have troubled me again and again, isn't it just for your sister? What is the use of asking me if you are not fair? You are looking for the Fourth Prince. As long as he gives me a letter of divorce, I will return immediately. Dongchen Kingdom, don’t take a step further into Beiyao Kingdom.”

"Hehe, who would believe it? But you are just a display, look at your small body, can you withstand the fourth prince's fucking?"

After the Seventh Prince and Concubine finished speaking, the people around immediately laughed.

Zuo Yan was furious. As the concubine of Dongchen Prime Minister's Mansion, she had been educated in etiquette since she was a child. If such words fell into her ears, it would be humiliating.

Zuo Yan was extremely angry, and ran into the Seventh Prince and Concubine like a wild cat.

The seventh prince and concubine immediately reached out and grabbed Zuo Yan's clothes, and the two of them were about to fight.

Chu Yunxi didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but Zuo Yan was from Dongchen Kingdom. Among the crowds everywhere in Beiyao Kingdom, Chu Yunxi always felt that Zuo Yan was so kind, so she couldn't just look at Zuo Yan Beaten.

So as soon as she lifted her foot, she wanted to help Zuo Yan.

It's just that before she had time to walk over, a whirlwind-like figure rushed over behind her. As soon as the visitor rushed over, he snatched Zuo Yan from the Seventh Prince's concubine, and then a roar of thunder rang out in the hall.

"Daxi Shu'er, you dare to touch my prince's people, do you want to die?"

In the main hall, everyone looked at the fourth prince, Yeluzhong, who was protecting Zuoyan like a cow protecting a calf.

He glared at the Seventh Princess Da Xi Shu'er angrily, as if he wanted to catch Da Xi Shu'er and beat him up.

Daxi Shu'er was obviously terrified, unable to say a word for a long time, until another gentle voice sounded in the hall.

"Shu'er, apologize to fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law."

As the voice fell to the ground, a figure slowly walked over from behind the crowd.

This person is not as tall and big as other people in Beiyao country. Not only is he thin, but he is also short in stature. At most, his height is about the same as that of a woman in Beiyao country.

It's just that there was a gloomy look between his brows, Chu Yunxi felt at a glance that this man should belong to the kind of person who is gentle on the surface but dark on the inside.

When Da Xi Shu'er saw him, he pouted aggrievedly, and the Seventh Prince ordered again: "Apologize."

Daxi Shu'er let out a sigh of relief, and apologized to Yeluzhong and Zuoyan with a bad face.

"Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, I'm sorry."

 The fourth prince Yeluzhong is very lustful, but he really likes the fourth prince concubine, men can separate sex and liking.

(End of this chapter)

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