Chapter 577

After Zuo Yan finished speaking, Daxi Shu'er's expression on the opposite side immediately changed, and she shouted at Zuo Yan: "You dare."

Zuo Yan grinned and wanted to cry again, her appearance fell into Yeluzhong's eyes, Yeluzhong immediately felt distressed, and he immediately agreed.

"Okay, I promise you, I will demote her to a concubine when I go back. A little lady dares to bully the prince and concubine. She is clearly looking for death."

After Yeluzhong finished speaking, Da Xi Shu'er, the Seventh Prince's concubine opposite, changed her face, and she quickly called out, "Fourth Prince, can't you?"

Yeluzhong didn't even give her the corner of his eye, and left with Zuo Yan in his arms.

There was a murmur in the hall behind him, and many people were muttering.

"The fourth prince loves the fourth prince and concubine so much, so the rumors are true."

"What do you know, the fourth prince is a married princess, how could the fourth prince embarrass her."

"But is the Fourth Prince the kind of character who will endure for the sake of marriage?"

There was everything in the palace, but Chu Yunxi watched a good show, but she was as curious as the women in the palace, did the fourth prince Yeluzhong, that pervert, really dote on Zuo Yan?If he dotes on Zuo Yan, why is he still so playful? Earlier, she saw him winking at her and seducing her.

This man seems to be a difficult character, Chu Yunxi thought in his heart, looking at Sister Wanji in front of him: "Let's go."

After Sister Wanji responded, she led Chu Yunxi to Zhuangyi Palace.

On the way, Chu Yunxi couldn't help asking Aunt Wanji: "The fourth prince seems to be fond of the fourth prince and concubine?"

Sister Wanji smiled and said, "The fourth prince is very fond of the fourth prince and concubine."

"Since you dote on the fourth prince and concubine, why are you still so lustful?"

Sister Wan Ji looked up at Chu Yunxi strangely, and Chu Yunxi explained: "I heard from His Royal Highness that the fourth prince is very lewd."

Chu Yunxi took the opportunity to blackmail Ye Luxie, but Sister Wan Ji looked at her strangely after hearing her words.

"Your Highness even told you this kind of thing?"

Chu Yunxi could only laugh dryly, and Sister Wan Ji didn't ask any more questions, and led her into Zhuang Yi Palace, and arranged for people to take care of her.

"If you need anything, you can tell Hong Ying, she will arrange it."

Chu Yunxi nodded, looked at the place where he lived, and Madam Wanji led the people away. Here, Hongying saluted Chu Yunxi respectfully and carefully: "I have met Miss Yunxian, is the lady first Take a rest, let’s visit Zhuangyi Palace first.”

Chu Yunxi was not interested in visiting Zhuangyi Palace. She was tired and wanted to take a rest.

"I'll take a shower and rest."

"Okay, servant girl, let someone prepare the wash water and let the girl wash and rest."

After she finished speaking, she ordered the subordinates behind her: "Go get ready to wash..."

Hong Ying didn't finish her sentence, someone outside the main hall door kicked the door open with a bang, and then someone walked in from outside the hall.

Chu Yunxi looked up and saw that the woman who walked in was Yeluxie's cousin Wanqi Haina.

Wan Teng Haina pointed at Chu Yunxi with an angry face and said, "Tell me, who are you and what is your relationship with my cousin?"

Chu Yunxi originally liked this girl, she was bright and charming, she was really good-looking, but this character was really unpleasant.

She frowned and said in a cold voice: "Didn't your cousin tell you earlier? I am the doctor he invited to treat the Lord Bei Yao."

"Hey, you don't put gold on your face, and you treat my uncle. My cousin's medical skills are very good. You don't need others to treat my uncle. You must be the vixen brought back by my cousin. , but it is absolutely impossible for you to enter the Prince's Mansion of the East Palace to become the Crown Princess, so don't think about the position of the Crown Princess, that position is mine, as for you? At most, you can be a wife."

(End of this chapter)

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