The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 578 Didn't Come To Be Your Shield

Chapter 578 Didn't Come To Be Your Shield
Chu Yunxi could only sneer, she doesn't care about the princess, she is also a wife, husband and sister.

As soon as her face turned cold, she wanted to ridicule the woman, but she didn't have time to speak.

Outside the palace gate, another stern voice came in: "Wan Tu Haina, who gave you permission to come here to make trouble?"

As the voice fell to the ground, a tall and handsome figure walked in from outside the door. The person who came was Yeluxie, Prince of Beiyao. Yeluxie's face was very cold at this time, and his black pupils reflected a terrifying hostility, just like that It shot straight at Wan Teng Haina.

Wan Teng Haina was actually a little afraid of this cousin, but when she saw his expression, she became even more frightened, and finally burst into tears.

"Cousin, do you want to marry this woman as the princess?"

Just as Chu Yunxi was about to refute, Ye Luxie said, "That's right, she's the concubine she just wants to marry."

Chu Yunxi was stunned for a moment, is there something wrong with this person's brain?It was agreed earlier that he would treat his father's illness and return his favor.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Wan Teng Haina cried louder, until she was out of breath.

While crying, she said unwillingly: "Cousin, aunt will not agree to you marrying another woman as the concubine of Prince Beiyao."

My aunt said that the concubine of Beiyao country can only come from her mother's house.

The haze flashed across Yeluxie's eyes, and he sneered coldly: "You think my mother is my master."

As soon as he said that, he ordered Wan Teng Haina with a serious face: "Get out, don't enter Zhuang Yi Palace again, if you let me know, I will never be polite to you."

Wan Teng Haina finally didn't dare to stay anymore, and ran out crying. In the palace, Chu Yunxi looked at Yeluxie and snorted coldly: "Prince Yelu, you have gone too far. I am here to help your father." Healers are not here to serve as your shield."

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, Hongying immediately waved his hand in the palace and led the people back out. In the end, only Yeluxie and Chu Yunxi were in the palace.

Yeluxie walked towards Chu Yunxi step by step with deep eyes. Chu Yunxi looked at his unfathomable expression, and suddenly raised his heart. Was she too bold to just go along like this? Yeluxie entered the palace alone. This man is a master of Martial King Realm. Right now, she is only at the level of a fifth-rank martial artist, which she had cultivated in Jiuhuan Mountain a month ago.

She has no chance of winning against a master of the Martial King Realm, a fifth-rank great martial artist, what should she do?
Chu Yunxi thought about it quickly, and quickly thought of the poisonous pill he had refined before, which could make people react a little slower. If Yeluxie dared to harm her, she would strike first, and then deal with him.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Yeluxie, who was walking in front of him, stopped in his tracks. He looked at Chu Yunxi with a bright smile and said, "What's on Xiao Yunxi's mind? The little face changes after a while, no Do you want me to force you to do something?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth were full of a smile, Chu Yunxi's face darkened, and he felt embarrassed for a moment, who told her that she really thought that way before.

Yeluxie leaned lightly on the big pillar of the palace, and said lazily and casually, "Don't worry, Gu won't force you to do anything."

After he finished speaking, Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

But just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Yeluxie said again, "But what Gu said earlier is true, I want to marry you as the crown princess."

His eyes were full of scorching light, and he just looked at Chu Yunxi steadfastly.

(End of this chapter)

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