Chapter 804

Chu Yunxi ignored Yan Heng, looked at Shao Qingzhu opposite and said, "Come on, I'll let Miss Shao lose again."

Shao Qingzhu laughed and said, "Princess Yanling, you are so arrogant, do you think you, Chu Yunxi, are not proficient in everything?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "I didn't say that I am proficient in everything, I just happen to have these few weaknesses that can defeat you."

Without saying a word, she deliberately lowered her voice and said, "Miss Shao, I don't think you are very smart, but the outside world makes you so amazing. Is it because the Shao family deliberately created influence for you?"

Shao Qingzhu's face turned dark. She didn't expect her to be said so badly.

She is the daughter of the Shao family, when did someone say that.

Shao Qingzhu was furious: "Chu Yunxi, you are going too far."

Chu Yunxi shook his head calmly and said, "I'm not angry, I'm just asking."

After she finished speaking, she opened the bottle of Phoenix Blood Wine neatly, looked at Shao Qingzhu and said, "Miss Shao, let us fight to the bottom."

Chu Yunxi raised Gaofeng Blood Wine with one hand and began to drink, but with the other hand, he quietly squeezed out a few silver needles and stuck them on the acupuncture points on his body.

In this way, the phoenix blood wine she drank later will be released from the pores, and there will be very little wine in her body.

On the opposite side, Shao Qingzhu saw that Chu Yunxi had already started to drink the Phoenix Blood Wine, so she raised her head and drank the Phoenix Blood Wine without giving way.

Outside the Green Bamboo Building, everyone stared at the building dumbfounded. The two women just held a bottle of wine in their hands and started to drink wildly.

That's phoenix blood wine, oh my god, if you're not careful, your stomach will burn out.

Are these two women dying?And if Miss Shao dared to mention it, she would definitely not be drunk, but what about Princess Yanling, is she sure she's okay?
Everyone here is looking at the two women in surprise. In the green bamboo building, the two women have already finished drinking a bottle of wine.

After the two women finished drinking, their cheeks were all red, but Shao Qingzhu's face was obviously abnormal. She stretched out her hand to cover her stomach firmly, and looked at Chu Yunxi opposite in pain.

Although Chu Yunxi's face was very red, she didn't appear to be in any pain, so the phoenix blood wine didn't burn her stomach, but burned her own stomach instead.

Shao Qingzhu's face was full of surprise, how could this happen, what's going on.

Chu Yunxi knew it, and it was precisely because she knew that she agreed to have a drinking competition with Shao Qingzhu.

Shao Qingzhu was too angry before, and Fengxue wine is a strong wine. When the two collided, Shao Qingzhu still ended up okay?
Chu Yunxi calmed down, looked at Shao Qingzhu who was facing him with a smile, and said, "Miss Shao, you lost three times in three rounds. I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable. I have to wonder whether there are any rumors circulating in Beijing. How much of it is real, or the Shao family's own momentum."

Shao Qingzhu's face was pale. After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, she felt her whole stomach was on fire, and she squatted down in pain.

Chu Yunxi didn't mean to sympathize with her in the slightest, it was just her own fault.

"Okay, today's competition is over. Since Ms. Shao has lost, don't think about entering the Yan family in the future. My Yan family is not just for anyone to enter. If you want to enter the Yan family, you must be at least talented. Both good-looking, with a vase-like face, and no brains, my Yan family doesn't want it."

Shao Qingzhu couldn't bear such stimulation any longer, he cried out in pain, and passed out directly from the pain.

Beside her, King Qin Yu Wenyi stood up with an extremely ugly face, and glared at Chu Yunxi angrily.

"Princess Yanling, you really deceive people too much."

(End of this chapter)

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