The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 805 The king dare not accept other women into the mansion

Chapter 805 The king dare not accept other women into the mansion

Chu Yunxi didn't speak, but Yan Heng who was on the side slowly stood up, looked at Yu Wenyi coldly and shouted sharply.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang should think about who is bullying too much, who is inexplicably looking for life and death to enter my Yan family, and does not hesitate to force my princess to accept the challenge. In the end, he was injured and said that others bullied too much. This king does not know, why? At that time, the principles of the world will be decided by you.”

After Yan Heng finished speaking, without waiting for King Qin to speak, he said sharply again: "After today's incident, if anyone dares to provoke my concubine again, don't blame this king for killing him all."

With all the killing words, everyone inside and outside the Green Bamboo Building was silent, and everyone dared not say more, for fear of offending the evil spirit Yan Heng.

Qin Wang Yu Wenyi was so angry that his face turned black and black, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his chest, but the fire couldn't come out.

Ahhh, he wanted to kill this arrogant and arrogant thing immediately.

But he can't, not in front of others, so Yan Heng, he will never keep him.

Shao Lingchen beside Yu Wenyi glanced at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, feeling worried.

They are confronting King Yanling head-on, is this really right?
Shao Lingchen didn't want to think too much, and quickly leaned over to help his younger sister, and reminded King Qin Yu Wenyi that it was important to treat his younger sister right now.

Yu Wenyi also knew that he could do nothing to Yan Heng if he stayed.

So let's go first, the two left the green bamboo building with Shao Qingzhu who was unconscious.

On the Green Bamboo Building, Chu Yunxi walked to the window and said to the figure who was shooting away, "If I dare to make things against the Yan family again in the future, I will never let it go lightly."

She said this to the Shao family, and also to people outside.

In the future, if someone dares to hit her man's idea, she will never let her go lightly.

Behind him, Yan Heng walked to Chu Yunxi's side, stood side by side with her, looked at the people outside, and said slowly.

"In the past two or three days, inside and outside the capital, everyone said that I, Yan Heng, am afraid of internal affairs. Today, I, Yan Heng, would like to declare that I, Yan Heng, are indeed afraid of internal affairs. Therefore, this king will not dare to accept any other women into the mansion in the future."

After Yan Heng's words fell, everyone outside the green bamboo building was dumbfounded, and King Yanling publicly admitted that he was afraid of internal affairs.

God, hell, their teenage hearts are all broken.

The prince of Yanling is so loving that he admitted to being afraid of guilt in public.

He is really a rare infatuated man in the world.

At this moment outside the Green Bamboo Building, no one said that Yan Heng was afraid of the inside, but said that he was affectionate.

Chu Yunxi turned her head and looked at Yan Heng with a smile. Her pretty face, which was already pink and tender, became more and more beautiful like a peach blossom, and her eyes were misty, as if they would seduce people's souls.

Yan Heng was able to say such words calmly, which surprised her, but also made her very happy.

This means that he has crossed the obstacle in his heart. In fact, what is wrong with people, the more they talk about it, the less it is, and the more they hide it, the more people will talk about it.

Chu Yunxi giggled, looked at Yan Heng and said, "Yan Heng, I'm so happy, I think I'm so happy that I'm going to fly to the sky."

After hearing her words, Yan Heng was also very happy, but soon he felt that something was wrong with Chu Yunxi.

How can I stand still, swaying from side to side, this is obviously drunk.

God, this little fairy is drunk, he has to take her away quickly, so that no one can see her enchanting side.

Thinking about it, Yan Heng stretched out his big arms to hug Chu Yunxi by the waist, and left the green bamboo building with a quick shot.

The crowd behind them was in an uproar. On the Green Lake Painted Boat in front of the Green Bamboo Building, the man in white raised his wine glass and gently shook it in the direction of departure.

"Xiao Yunxi, you are really good."

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi didn't know this. At this time, she had been carried by Yan Heng to the carriage of Yanling Palace.

In the carriage, Chu Yunxi was making all kinds of noises, there was a beautiful boy in a flower show, Xiao Bailian sold her body to bury her father, and it was Yujie and an idiot.

Yan Heng hugged her unbearably and punished her one by one.

The carriage stopped at this moment, and the urgent voice of the guards outside the carriage came in.

"My lord, the southern suburban courtyard has arrived."

The guard left without saying a word, he was really, really going to be driven crazy, the words that made people blush and heartbeat were so exciting.

This is the reason why he closed his ears with Yuanli later, otherwise he would definitely be crazy now.

In the dark, Wei Li, Fu Sheng and others also fled in despair.

Prince, you can support yourself, the princess is too scary.

Yan Heng didn't care about his own subordinates at this time, he stretched out his big hand to hug Chu Yunxi by the waist.

Now he wants meat, right away.

Chu Yunxi hadn't acted enough yet, so after being hugged by Yan Heng, he shouted angrily: "Boy, let go of me, and if you dare to disrespect your sister, let's see how she treats you."

Yan Heng ignored her, and carried her all the way into the bedroom where they lived in the southern suburban courtyard.

As a result, for half a day in the afternoon and overnight, neither of them took a step out of the room.

There was no one around the yard, and everyone avoided it.

This night, Chu Yunxi played several roles in succession, until he was exhausted.

When it was just dawn, guests came from the other courtyard in the southern suburbs.

When Wei Li reported to Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi was soundly asleep. Yan Heng was afraid that she would wake up, so he got up lightly and took out his clothes.

When he walked out, he carefully told Qing Yan who was guarding the door: "Don't let anyone disturb the princess."

Qingyan nodded: "Yes, my lord."

The prince and princess are so loving, they are happy.

Yan Heng led people out, Chu Yunxi still slept soundly.

In the main hall of the Southern Suburb Courtyard for entertaining guests, someone was sitting upright at this moment, looking at the furnishings in the living room.

Until the sound of footsteps outside the door, the visitor turned his head and looked over, with a smile unconsciously on his face.

"Prince Yanling, excuse me."

Yan Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the person who came, and then slowly said: "I don't know why the prince came to see Yan so early in the morning?"

The visitor turned out to be King Yuwenmo of Chu, and Yan Heng had never had a good impression of members of Yuwen's family, so his complexion was not good.

Yu Wenmo naturally knew this reason, so he didn't care about it.

"The king came here to discuss a deal with the prince."

Chu Wang Yu Wenmo was extraordinarily polite.

Yan Heng raised her phoenix eyebrows, walked noncommittally to the seat at the top of the main hall and sat down, and someone from outside the door came in to serve tea.

Yan Heng looked at Yu Wenmo below and said, "What does His Royal Highness Chu want to talk to this king about?"

 Xiao Hengheng publicly admitted her fear of guilt, actually, the weaker a person is, the more he has to admit it generously, but it's nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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