Chapter 807
Yu Wenmo's complexion changed, and finally he looked at Yan Heng and said, "My lord Yanling, I apologize to you, the thing about the poisonous puppet before was indeed done by me, fortunately my lord is fine , this king is willing to make corresponding compensation, so just ask me."

Although Yan Heng knew that the poisonous doll incident was caused by Yu Wenmo, he really admitted it.

Another strong anger surged in his heart, wishing to tear Yu Wenmo apart.

But in the end he calmed down, he would not let Yu Wenmo go, but not now, he is still useful to him.

Sooner or later, he will make his life worse than death.

As long as Xi'er almost fell into the hands of cannibals in order to save him, Yan Heng couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

On the opposite side, Yu Wenmo looked at Yan Heng's expression, and his heart skipped a beat, secretly yelling that it was not good.

The prince of Yanling was angry, Yu Wenmo hurriedly apologized: "Actually, I can't blame this prince entirely, it's my father's intention."

Yuwenmo pushed this matter to Yuwen Lingtian.

Yan Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Wenmo. Seeing that Yan Heng's anger seemed to have shifted a bit, Yu Wenmo immediately said with encouragement.

"The emperor's secret decree let us enter the palace earlier, saying that whoever can kill the prince will become the crown prince."

There was a gloomy light in Yu Wenmo's eyes. He didn't tell his father because he was afraid of Yan Heng. He wanted to arouse Yan Heng's hatred for his father, so he agreed to help him.

"Because of this, I will take action against the prince, but this matter is ultimately my fault. I am willing to compensate the prince. No matter what the prince proposes, I will agree."

In fact, Yanheng already knew that Yuwen Lingtian ordered Qin King and Chu King to assassinate him, but he pretended not to know and spoke angrily.

"Your Majesty, he actually did this, which really chills me. How can I do this for so many things I and the Yan family army have done for Dongchen?"

Yan Heng sat down on the chair behind him with a look of grief and indignation, as if very disappointed and very sad.

Seeing him like this, Yu Wenmo breathed a sigh of relief, and took the opportunity to say, "My lord, I promise I won't do anything to murder you in the future."

Yan Heng looked up at him suddenly and said, "When did you actually get together with the people from Poison Dragon Peak?"

Yu Wenmo was taken aback and subconsciously said, "It's been a long time...

Before he finished speaking, he felt that this matter was inappropriate, so he immediately stopped talking, Yan Heng didn't seem to care, he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let's forget about letting the poisonous puppet kill me before, after all, you have no other choice. It’s just that if this king catches you secretly plotting against him again in the future, this king will never give up.”

Yu Wenmo was overjoyed, and immediately promised with a serious face.

"Don't worry, my lord, I keep my word and I am definitely not that kind of villain."

Yan Heng sneered coldly in his heart, isn't he just such a villain, the people of Yuwen's family don't have a single good thing.

Thinking about it, Yan Heng stared at Yu Wenmo seriously, and Yu Wenmo was a little hairy under his stare.

"What's wrong with your lord?"

Yan Heng said slowly: "Do you really want to cooperate with this king, let this king help you, and let you ascend to the throne of God?"

Yu Wenmo's eyes flashed a gloomy light, but his expression was extremely serious: "Naturally."

"Okay, I will believe you once, but you have to write an edict to this king, which means that in the future, you will never touch the Palace of Yan Palace or the army of the Yan family. If you can write an edict, this king will I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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