Chapter 808 Shameless Family Inheritance
Yu Wenmo was stunned, and wrote an edict to Yan Heng. In this case, wouldn't he really have no way to move him and move Yan's army in the future?You must know that Yan Heng is indeed a troublesome person. The reason why he wants to cooperate with him now is to use his hand to ascend to the throne of God, but he has never thought that he will not be moved.

In the main hall, Yan Heng sneered: "My lord has no sincerity at all, and he actually wanted to cooperate with me, Yan Heng. Is this playing tricks on me, or treating me like a fool? Is it possible that I will work for my lord just because of what my lord says?" ?"

After finishing speaking, Yan Heng got up angrily, and said coldly: "Come here, see off the guests."

The guard outside the door, Li Fu Sheng and others hurried in. Yu Wenmo looked at it, and it was not good to say anything more, but he didn't want to make the relationship between them stiff, so he quickly said: "Your Majesty, please let me go!" Think about it, how can such a big matter be decided immediately."

Yan Heng was impatient to talk to him, and waved: "Let's go."

Yu Wenmo's face darkened, and the anger in his heart rose, but he finally endured it. He said goodbye to Yan Heng, then turned and left the main hall.

Inside the door, seeing Yu Wenmo leave, Yan Heng's face suddenly returned to normal, without the anger and annoyance before.

Wei Li beside him asked with concern: "My lord, why did Yu Wenmo come to see my lord?"

Yan Heng sneered and said, "I want me to help him ascend to the throne of God."

"Oh, how shameless, while secretly killing the prince, and at the same time letting the prince help him ascend the throne, prince, why do you think the members of the Yuwen family are so shameless?"

Yan Heng thought for a while and said, "Probably this is also their family's inheritance."

Several people in the hall were amused by Yan Heng's words.

After a while, Yan Heng restrained his smile, looked at Wei Li seriously and asked, "As for He Yunhe and Liu Ruqin, how is the investigation at Qianji Pavilion?"

Wei Li immediately stepped forward to report: "Returning to the prince, Qianji Pavilion sent a message earlier, He Yunhe disappeared, as if disappeared out of thin air, as for Liu Ruqin, Qianji Pavilion has news, she is in Dongchen Beijing."

Yan Hengjun's face was full of anger: "What do you mean He Yunhe disappeared? How could a good person disappear? Did he disappear in Dongchen, or disappeared in all four countries?"

Wei Li knew why his prince was angry, the master and princess were almost killed by He Yunhe, can he spare He Yunhe?
"Back to the master, the people from Qianji Pavilion checked all the corners of Dongchen, but they didn't find any news about He Yunhe."

"That is to say, he might leave Dongchen and go to another country. Let them continue to investigate for me. This scumbag must be investigated. I will never let him go."

He was not afraid of falling off a cliff, he was very angry because Xi'er fell into the hands of cannibals and was almost eaten by those cannibals, but now she sometimes sleeps and has nightmares, all of this is He Yunhe He was harmed, so how could he spare him.

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Wei Li immediately responded, "Okay, this subordinate will immediately send a letter to the people in Qianji Pavilion."

Yan Heng ignored He Yunhe's matter, but asked about Liu Ruqin's matter.

"Liu Ruqin is currently in the capital? Are you sure?"

Yan Heng's eyes were full of dangerous light, is this woman making trouble again?This time he will never let her go, because letting her go is to embarrass himself and Xi'er.

Wei Li responded quickly: "Yes, she is in the capital, and asked at the Qianji Pavilion if the prince needs them to investigate the affairs of the capital."

Because Yanheng is in the capital, Qianji Pavilion generally does not go to Beijing to check for news.

Yan Heng shook her head and said: "Since she is in the capital, what do you want Qianji Pavilion to investigate? Take a few people to investigate in the capital, and you must find out her whereabouts. This time, the king will definitely get rid of her."

"Okay, my subordinates will check immediately."

Wei Li responded and went to work, Yan Heng thought of Chu Yunxi, and felt a little worried, that little girl was tossed and fainted by him last night, she doesn't know what's wrong now, go and have a look.

Yan Heng got up and strode out, Fu Sheng followed him all the way to the courtyard where Yan Heng lived.

Outside the door, Qing Yan, who was guarding, heard the commotion inside, and hurried in.
Qingyan didn't dare to look at the indoor situation, and quickly walked to the bedside to set up the curtains, only to see Chu Yunxi hugging the quilt on the bed, frowning and humming softly, with a face full of discomfort.

Qing Yan suddenly became nervous, and asked: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Yunxi shook her head: "It's okay, don't worry."

How could Qingyan believe it, her face changed from the pain, and she said she was fine.

"Master, what's wrong with you, I'll go find a doctor."

Qingyan was so anxious that she forgot that Chu Yunxi was a doctor herself.

Chu Yunxi quickly waved his hand on the bed and said, "I'm fine, don't worry..."

Before Chu Yunxi finished speaking, a whirlwind figure rushed in from outside the door. As soon as the visitor approached the bed, he asked nervously, "Xi'er, what's wrong with you?"

When Chu Yunxi saw Yan Heng, he immediately became angry and kicked Yan Heng.

Beside the bed, Qingyan took a look, and hurriedly withdrew. They should not meddle in the matters between the master and the prince.

Not only did Qingyan retreat, but she also retreated far away, until she could no longer hear what happened in the room.

In the room, Yan Heng didn't care about Chu Yunxi kicking him. He sat on the side of the bed and subconsciously reached out to hug Chu Yunxi.

"What's wrong? I'm not feeling well. I'll find someone to look at it for you."

Chu Yunxi glared at him and said a few words of reproach. Yan Heng immediately knew that it was because what happened last night had annoyed her, so she was very coaxed.

Chu Yunxi finally stopped talking about the previous incident, and instead asked him: "What did you do earlier?"

Yan Heng sat beside her, stretched out his hand to smooth her hair, and said, "His Royal Highness King Chu, come to see me."

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows immediately, and sharpness flashed across his apricot eyes.

"What is the king of Chu here for?"

Chu Yunxi didn't like the members of Yuwen's family very much, and didn't have any good things.

Originally, she thought that King Qin Yu Wenyi looked better than others, gentle and gentle, but now it seems that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and sons born to mice can make holes.

Just like his father, he only wanted to get rid of Yan Heng and her.

Yan Heng told Chu Yunxi that Yu Wenmo had come to ask him for help.

Chu Yunxi immediately sneered: "He has such a big face, he actually asked you to help him ascend to the throne, and wait until he ascends to the throne of God, is it like his old man, and then come to get rid of you."

Chu Yunxi felt annoyed after thinking about it, looked up at Yan Heng and said, "Yan Heng, you said that if the members of the Yuwen family are not eliminated, it means that we will not live in peace."

They never thought of disturbing the Yuwen family, nor did they want to provoke the Yuwen family members, but the emperor didn't believe it, and neither did the Yuwen family members.

So if this country belonged to the Yuwen family, they would never live in peace.

Yan Heng pondered, and when he raised his eyes again, they were filled with unfathomable darkness.

He stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunxi's hand and said, "You forgot that we came back to Beijing to deal with them, so there is no rush."

(End of this chapter)

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