Chapter 816

Yan Heng finally let go: "Okay, if the empress makes things difficult for you, send someone a letter to me, and I will go immediately to protect you."

The people around me twitched their mouths when they heard this. Is the prince's desire for protection too much? Besides, Princess Yanling is such an easy to bully person?
Yan Heng ignored others, stretched out her hand to straighten Chu Yunxi's hair, and then whispered: "I sent a subordinate to protect you secretly, his name is Long Yuan, so don't worry."

Chu Yunxi's expression was indescribably gentle, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

These days, she found herself becoming more and more like a little girl, completely spoiled by Yan Heng.

"I see."

The two were inseparable, as if they were going to be separated for a long time. The eunuchs beside them all twitched their mouths at this scene.

The great eunuch Chang Fu couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "My lord, Your Majesty is waiting."

Yan Heng snorted unhappily: "Understood."

After he finished speaking, he reminded Chu Yunxi: "Be careful."

Chu Yunxi blinked, nodded obediently, and then looked at the little eunuch who had come to invite her earlier: "Let's go, take me to the queen's palace."

Yan Heng watched them leave from behind, and after they walked for a while, he turned around and followed Chang Fu into Longtai Hall.

In front, Chu Yunxi followed the little eunuch with Qingyan and Qingwu to the Queen's Huayi Palace.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't see the queen, but only saw Madam Gu who was waiting beside the queen.

Nanny Gu looked at Chu Yunxi coldly with an old face expressionless.

"The Empress' order, Princess Yanling, as a role model for women, should have been virtuous and virtuous, but she was narrow-minded and selfish when she didn't want to. Now she is punished to kneel in front of the Huayi Palace and read the Women's Commandments for an hour."

After Madam Gu finished speaking, Chu Yunxi's face turned cold, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Does the queen think that Chu Yunxi is so easy to bully?Really ridiculous.

"Madam Gu, please ask the empress, what crimes my wife has committed, which has earned her a narrow and selfish reputation. If the empress can't provide evidence, don't say kneel down. My wife still wants to ask the empress for an explanation."

When Nanny Gu heard what Chu Yunxi said, her face became angry, and she said sharply with a pair of triangular eyes.

"Princess Yanling, you are so courageous, you dare to question the queen's will."

The smile on the corner of Chu Yunxi's mouth widened, and his expression was full of arrogance.

"That's right, this concubine is so bold. If the empress doesn't give this concubine an explanation, this concubine will never give up."

Nanny Gu was shocked. Originally, the empress wanted to give Chu Yunxi a bad start, because she had planned a well-designed plan before, allowing Ms. Shao to win over Chu Yunxi, successfully enter Yan's house as a side concubine, and then get rid of Yan Heng. But in the end, he was disturbed by Chu Yunxi, so the empress was very angry.

Now that such a handle has been caught, it is natural to put a lot of pressure on it.

It's just that they never dreamed that Chu Yunxi was not afraid at all, and directly fell in love with the queen.

After Madam Gu was shocked, she pointed at Chu Yunxi furiously and said, "Princess Yanling, you are so arrogant. As the queen is the mother of the world, it is very reasonable to teach women. How dare you question the queen and want the queen? I will give you an explanation."

"You, you, forgot to send people into the Shao family to destroy Miss Shao's innocence. As a princess, how could you do such a villainous thing."

(End of this chapter)

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