Chapter 817 A Big Hat Buckled Down

After Madam Gu finished speaking, she angrily shouted at the eunuch in front of the Huayi Palace: "Get Princess Yanheng down for me, and I will definitely teach her a lesson for the empress. It is a place where others are not allowed to act wildly here.”

After Madam Gu finished speaking, several eunuchs in front of Huayi Palace rushed over, intending to capture Chu Yunxi.

Behind Chu Yunxi, Qingyan and Qingwu rushed out together and blocked Chu Yunxi.

As soon as the two of them mobilized their strength, they waited for the rushing person to fight.

Just at this moment, there were hurried footsteps rushing over the green brick passage behind him.

As soon as the visitor came over, he called out: "Princess Yanling, Princess Yanling."

In front of the gate of Huayi Palace, the two groups of people who were about to fight stopped immediately and looked at the person coming together.

Chu Yunxi didn't know the eunuch who came, but Nanny Gu did, and this person was the eunuch in Concubine Liang's palace.

Concubine Liang is the most beautiful woman in Beiyao, Adila, who was sent in by Yeluzhong, the fourth prince of Beiyao Kingdom.

The eunuch who came here was the eunuch next to Concubine Liang, and he looked anxiously at Chu Yunxi as soon as he came over and said, "I have seen Princess Yanling, our mother has a headache, and she wants to ask the concubine to treat her. "

After the little eunuch finished speaking, he quickly winked at Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi was stunned for a moment, this little eunuch was sent by Concubine Liang to help her?
But she doesn't have any contact with Concubine Liang, how could she help her.

Although Chu Yunxi was puzzled, she accepted Concubine Liang's affection, because it was really inappropriate for her to fight with the queen right now.

If she fights with the Queen, the people outside will not know what's going on, they will only say that she is a pet and spoiled, disrespecting the mother of the country, but if Yan Heng protects her, they will say that Yan Heng is superior to the Lord and will not take the Lord seriously.

So they have to disintegrate the Shao family's reputation first, and then deal with the queen.

There was a glint in Chu Yunxi's eyes, but her expression remained the same. She looked at the little eunuch and said, "Since Concubine Liang has invited you, let's lead the way."

The little eunuch turned around and was about to take Chu Yunxi away. How could Nanny Gu admit this, she immediately sternly shouted.


Chu Yunxi and the little eunuch stopped in their tracks, and looked back at Nanny Gu behind them.

Nanny Gu pointed angrily at the little eunuch in Concubine Liang's palace and said, "You are so courageous, you dared to take someone away without the Queen's consent. Concubine Liang has a headache, is there no doctor in the palace?"

The little eunuch said with a bitter expression: "Nurse Gu, your majesty's headaches can't even be cured by a doctor. Earlier, the Holy Majesty promised to let Princess Yanling treat her, so if mammy is not happy, You can go to the Holy One."

A big hat was buttoned down, and Nanny Gu's face turned dark immediately.

She didn't expect that slut Concubine Liang to talk to the Holy Majesty, this damn slut.

Nanny Gu was so angry, but she had nothing to do with the little eunuch and Chu Yunxi.

The little eunuch hurriedly took Chu Yunxi away, and Nanny Gu led someone into Huayi Palace to report to the queen.

In the main hall, Empress Shao Baozhu was eating in a good mood, but after hearing Madam Gu's report, she smashed all the food.

"Concubine Liang is such a slut, she dares to ruin this palace's affairs, this palace will not spare her."

Madam Gu looked helpless, who told Concubine Liang to be favored recently.

Ever since the concubine passed away, the Holy Majesty was in a bad mood. Later, the Concubine Liang stayed with the Holy Majesty, and the Majesty was in a better mood. Now the Majesty's favorite is Concubine Liang, who basically stays in Concubine Liang's palace at night. He never went to the palace of his concubines.

(End of this chapter)

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