The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 826 I have never seen such a shameless person

Chapter 826 I have never seen such a shameless person

Yan Heng stretched out her hand and patted his head, and praised: "That's right, brother-in-law will give you some things later."

Chu Yunzhao raised his head in surprise as soon as he heard it: "Really?"

"Is brother-in-law a person who doesn't count his words?" Yan Heng asked back.

Chu Yunzhao immediately believed it, and Yan Heng felt a little surprised when he saw it. He found that no matter whether it was Xi'er or Chu Yunzhao, they actually believed his words. Even if they had a bad relationship before, they believed what he said. .

This shows that they believe in their bones that he is a man of his word, but he has treated them so badly in the past.

Yan Heng felt guilty, and soon put a smile on his face, as long as he treats them well in the future.

Thinking about it, Yan Heng stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yunzhao's hand and said, "Yunzhao, how about brother-in-law sending you to the academy to study?"

Chu Yunzhao has never been to school, so he was a little repelled, and immediately shook his head and refused.

"Don't go."

He finished his sentence, thought of a possibility, and said quickly: "Brother-in-law, are you afraid that I will rob my sister from you, so you want to send me to the academy?"

Yan Hengjun blushed, but he would never admit such a thing, he looked at Chu Yunzhao seriously and said: "You think too much, brother-in-law is doing it for your own good, you see which man doesn't go to school, school can not only learn knowledge , the most important thing is to make friends, you said you are so old, do you have any friends around you?"

Chu Yunzhao immediately said, "I have Yuan Ding and Xiaodouzi."

Yan Heng snorted coldly: "Those two are at best your attendants, not friends. You have to know that a man can't live without friends. In the future, if you want to have a drink, you can't find anyone. Do you think this is normal?"

Yan Heng first started to deceive Chu Yunzhao into going to the academy, but as he talked, he felt that what he said was also reasonable.

Chu Yunzhao can't hang out with his sister all the time, it doesn't feel good to hang out with women for a long time.

Chu Yunzhao was taken aback by Yan Heng's words. He wanted to refute, but he couldn't find a reason to refute, and he felt that what his brother-in-law said seemed quite reasonable.

Seeing that Chu Yunzhao stopped talking, Yan Heng continued, "Okay, that's it. Tomorrow morning, brother-in-law will send you to Baifeng Academy outside the city."

Chu Yunzhao wanted to say something, but Yan Heng shouted at Wei Li who was already staring blankly in the distance: "Wei Li, hurry up and send Young Master Chu back to clean up, and send him to Baifeng Academy tomorrow."

Wei Li wanted to cover his face. He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen his master so shameless that he wouldn't even let a child go.

Poor Chu Yunzhao, being his master's brother-in-law, is also unlucky.

Although he disdained his master's behavior in his heart, Wei Li was not slow in his actions. He rushed over and pulled Chu Yunzhao and said, "Young master Chu, do you know that there are many young masters like you in Baifeng Academy, you I just happened to have a companion when I went, come, let me tell you how to get along with those guys, if they bully you, you..."

The two walked away gradually, and Fu Sheng and others looked at Yan Heng and Wei Li dumbfounded behind, these two were really shameless.

Just at this moment, the door of the medicine material room opened, and Chu Yunxi came out of the room holding a medicine bottle.

Yan Heng hurried up to meet her, and said with concern: "Is the pill ready?"

"The practice is done, by the way, I seem to have heard Zhao Zhao's voice just now, that guy is really good enough, he didn't know to come and see me if he had something to play with, where did he go?"

(End of this chapter)

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