Chapter 827 Looks Like a Fox

Yan Heng immediately said with a normal expression: "I asked Wei Li to find something for him, so he went to play."

Chu Yunxi snorted displeasedly: "This little white-eyed wolf is really raising him for nothing."

Yan Heng hurriedly changed the subject: "You haven't eaten all day, you're hungry, I'll get someone to bring up something to eat."

"Okay," the two of them walked towards their place of residence while talking, and it was getting late at this time.

Mu Xiu brought someone back to reply: "If you go back to the prince and concubine, the subordinates have already made arrangements. Someone will come to Shao's house to make trouble early tomorrow morning."

Chu Yunxi said happily: "Then let's wait and see the fun, but you have to protect those people, and you must not let them fall into the hands of the Shao family. If they fall into the hands of the Shao family, they will definitely hand over to them out of ours."

Mu Xiu said with a light smile: "Princess, don't worry, I didn't reveal my identity, so those people don't know who I am, and I spent money on it."

It is true that money can turn ghosts around. As long as you spend a lot of money, you will never fail.

If it is not successful, it means that you have not smashed enough.

Chu Yunxi nodded in satisfaction: "Well, you did a good job."

After she finished speaking, she took the previously refined pill and handed it to Mu Xiu: "You find a way to enter Shao's house and put this pill in Shao Qingzhu's diet. This thing will melt when it is heated, and it won't make people found."

"The subordinates will do it immediately."

Mu Xiu happily walked away to do this. He also wanted to see how this daughter of the Shao family fell from a high cloud. If she dared to trouble their princess, wouldn't she be courting death?

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi had dinner and went to rest early after taking a walk.

The next day was bright, outside the gate of Shao's mansion, people rushed out one after another and made a scene.

Outside the gate of the Shao family's mansion, many people soon gathered, and these people were all hesitant when they heard the troublemaker's words.

Some don't believe it, but some people do.

"My God, the daughter of the Shao family is so shameless that she hooked up with these three or four sons to be the guest of honor."

"The most hateful thing is that she is still afraid that these people will leak the secret and intends to kill someone."

"Do you think there will be more than these people? These people were not killed, so what about those who were killed?"

"I think this may not be true. How could the daughter of the Shao family do such a thing?"

"Yes, yes, I also think it's impossible. Although Ms. Shao looks like a vixen, I don't usually see her seduce any man. Besides, based on her status, is there any man she wants? .”

"But what's the matter with these men? Don't forget that they are facing the Shao family, the empress's mother's family. If there is no real incident, would these people dare to come to the door? Look at them, they are all in a mess, so miserable , there is almost only one breath left."

The three or four men outside the gate of the Shao family mansion looked miserable, some had wounds all over their heads and bodies, and could barely speak, some had both legs broken and could only crawl to the gate of the mansion, some Not only was his leg broken, but his eyeballs were all stuck in his eyes.

Such a situation made many people onlookers believe that this matter was true.

At first glance, they were assassinated and escaped by luck.

Poor, but some people in the crowd still find it weird.

"The Shao family is a big family of the Dongchen family. They have a lot of Yuanli cultivators in their hands. If these people make a move, as long as they make a move, they will surely die without a place to bury them. How did they escape?"

"Yeah, it's weird."

(End of this chapter)

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