Chapter 828 Trouble Comes Now

Someone said disdainfully: "You don't understand, it's clear that this handwriting was written by Miss Shao's family. Does she dare to let the family know that she hooked up with men? How many subordinates with high Yuanli cultivation can Miss Shao have?" Ah, and she was afraid that she underestimated these people, thinking that sending some random people out would make them die without a place to bury them, so these people hid there."

"Besides, didn't you hear what these people said? Someone saved them, or they would have died a long time ago. They didn't want to come, but they really couldn't swallow this breath. It was obviously Miss Shao who hooked them up. As a result, They were almost killed."

"Also, look, these people are all very handsome young masters. Like Miss Shao, it seems that they need a man. Hey, I don't understand this matter after I tell you. Some women can't do without a man. , she needs a man to nourish her, Miss Shao looks like she has been enjoyed by a man."

When the man finished speaking, someone interjected: "Not to mention, Ms. Shao really seems to have been enjoyed by a man. Her figure and plumpness really don't look like a little girl who hasn't had sex."

"I also think it might be true."

Because Shao Qingzhu's figure is plump and exquisite, not like a little girl's shriveled, many people believed the words of these people outside Shao's house.

The Shao family was in a mess here, and Mr. Shao was so angry that he passed out twice.

Shao Qingzhu was called to the old man's room early in the morning.

"Tell me, did you do that kind of shameless thing?"

Shao Qingzhu's eyes were red and swollen. She had already cried once before, but now she heard the old man's words and knelt down with a plop to cry again.

"Grandpa, I don't, I don't."

In the room, Shao Qingzhu's elder brother Shao Lingchen also spoke for his sister.

"Grandpa, my sister is not the kind of shameless person."

Mr. Shao took a look at Shao Qingzhu, and felt that his granddaughter would not be so shameless, so he said that someone plotted against the Shao family for this incident today.

Dare to plot against the Shao family, this person is not an ordinary character.

As soon as Mr. Shao thought about it, his eyelids jumped up suddenly, and he looked at Ming Chen: "It can't be the Prince of Yanling..."

When the old man said this, he stared at Shao Mingzhu in a bad mood and said: "I said before that you should not provoke the King of Yanling casually, and you should not provoke the King of Yanling casually. It is better for you to join forces with the King of Qin to do this kind of thing, this time Alright, King Yanling is coming for revenge."

Mr. Shao disagreed with Shao Qingzhu's confrontation with Princess Yanling before, and he knew that Yan Heng was not easy to deal with.

But his own grandson and granddaughter listened to His Royal Highness King Qin and met Princess Yanling.

In the room, Shao Qingzhu just cried, as long as she thought of those crazy words outside the house, she would be so angry that she wanted to kill.

Chu Yunxi dared to treat her like this, she would not let it go.

Shao Lingchen beside Shao Qingzhu also felt that he seemed to have caused a catastrophe, but how to solve the matter in front of him now.

"Grandpa, right now..."

Before Shao Lingchen finished speaking, the butler outside the door said eagerly: "Master, someone from Huayi Palace is here."

Huayi Palace is the place where the empress lives, and the presence of people in the empress' palace shows that the empress in the palace has already known what happened to the Shao family.

Mr. Shao glared at Shao Qingzhu and Shao Lingchen angrily, and said, "Go back."

Shao Lingchen helped his younger sister Shao Qingzhu, and the two of them walked out. The eunuch from Huayi Palace outside the door hurried in.

Shao Lingchen sent his sister back to where she lived, and said a few more words of comfort before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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