Chapter 829

As soon as Shao Lingchen left, Shao Qingzhu stopped crying. She got up and rushed out of the room angrily, dragged a woman in pink over and beat her, mercilessly.

The person who was beaten didn't dare to fight back, and begged while hiding: "Miss Shao, don't hit me anymore."

Shao Qingzhu scolded while beating: "It's all you, it's all your bad idea for me, now my reputation is ruined, I'll kill you bitch."

In the room, the maids all carefully lowered their sense of existence, and no one dared to step forward to fight.

My young lady gets angry, whoever pulls it will be unlucky.

What's more, this woman who appeared out of nowhere deserved to be beaten. She usually looks amazing by the lady's side, so she should be beaten now.


Shao Qingzhu didn't stop until he had beaten enough, while the person who was beaten was paralyzed on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, unable to move for a long time.

Shao Qingzhu looked down at the woman on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Liu Ruqin, if my reputation is ruined this time, just wait for me, and I will definitely kill you."

Liu Ruqin looked up at Shao Qingzhu, with a faint smile on her lips and hatred in her eyes, but she didn't hate Shao Qingzhu, she hated that woman Chu Yunxi.

Obviously she took the position of princess from her, but she just wanted the position of side concubine, but she didn't agree, why, why, and her cousin even announced to the world that she teamed up with others to plot against the princess, who? If there is news of her, I will give 5 taels of gold.

Liu Ruqin couldn't help laughing, she never thought that she would have such a valuable day.

In the room, Shao Qingzhu saw Liu Ruqin smiling, and kicked her again angrily, then pointed at Liu Ruqin and said, "Bitch, you said that if I gave you to Lord Yanling, I would immediately earn 5 Ten thousand taels of gold, just thinking about it makes people happy, and it's useless to keep you."

Liu Ruqin wiped away her tears and looked at Shao Qingzhu and said, "Even if Ms. Shao gave me to my cousin, he would not thank you, let alone give you 5 taels of gold. Miss Shao, don't forget, right now In the eyes of my cousin, you are the same as me, and he is afraid that he would like to kill you right now."

After hearing Liu Ruqin's words, Shao Qingzhu was so angry that he kicked her again.

"Bitch, it's all your fault. I ran to my cousin and said that he would help my cousin deal with Princess Yanling, but it ended up hurting me."

Liu Ruqin first defected to King Yu Wenyi of Qin, because she knew that Yu Wenyi wanted to deal with Yan Heng, so she defected to Yu Wenyi. Ruqin arranges to be beside Shao Qingzhu.

It was Liu Ruqin's idea to propose to deal with Princess Yanling before. Liu Ruqin said that as long as Shao Qingzhu enters Yanling Palace, that woman Chu Yunxi will leave. bigger.

King Qin felt that what she said made sense. He almost succeeded in ordering someone to pretend to be Chu Yunxi before, so this time he still wants to go this way.

But in the end, Shao Qingzhu was hurt.

The more Shao Qingzhu thought about it, the angrier he became, and he glared at Liu Ruqin angrily.

Liu Ruqin said quietly: "Miss Shao, what are you worried about? You just need to arrest those people who are making trouble outside the gate of the house, and then test the Shougong Sha in public to prove your innocence, and then arrest those people who were arrested. , sent to the Ministry of Punishment for interrogation, I don’t believe that those people would not be recruited, if they recruited that woman Chu Yunxi, wouldn’t the King of Qin benefit from it?”

(End of this chapter)

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