Chapter 830 This is really shameless
After hearing Liu Ruqin's words, Shao Qingzhu thought it was reasonable, and immediately turned around and walked out. When she reached the door, she didn't forget to tell the servant girl: "Go find a doctor for her, and don't let her die."

"Yes, miss," the maid hurriedly responded, and went to help Liu Ruqin, while Shao Qingzhu went to Mr. Shao's room to ask for instructions.

Soon three or four people outside the Shao family mansion were arrested, and the servants of the Shao family said in public that these people were instigated to come to the Shao family to corrupt the innocence of my lady, and my lady decided to personally watch in the Mingxiang Building Gong Sha, verify your innocence. After you prove your innocence, the Shao family will send these troublemakers to the Ministry of Punishment, and will definitely find out the instigators behind these people.

As soon as the news came out, the inside and outside of the capital instantly became lively.

The Mingxiang Building was reserved early, who wouldn't want to watch the Shao family's big play.

The subordinates of the Yanling Prince's Mansion also reserved a seat in the Mingxiang Tower early. Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng woke up naturally after sleeping. After eating and drinking, they took people to the Mingxiang Tower to watch the excitement.

At noon, Mingxiang Building was full of customers.

When Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng arrived, the building was already full of people, many people saw them and got up to say hello.Wait until they get to the second floor.

There was a lot of murmurs behind, most of them were talking about the incident that the guards of the Yanling Prince's Mansion intended to insult Miss Shao's family.

What these people said inside and outside the meaning was that Princess Yanling was too deceitful, even if Miss Shao liked Prince Yanling, she wouldn't be so innocent.

After hearing the discussion behind, Yan Heng's face was full of cold anger, and killing intent emerged from his body continuously.

Chu Yunxi stretched out her hand to hold him down, and pulled him up the stairs. As she walked, she said, "The winner is the one who laughs last. Why worry about these words in front of you."

Yan Heng suppressed the anger in her heart, and went upstairs with Chu Yunxi.

As soon as they went upstairs, they saw another group of people walking ahead, Chu Wang Yu Wenmo and others.

When Yu Wenmo saw Yan Heng, his deep eyes flashed into the darkness, and then he stopped and waited for Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi. When the two walked over, Yu Wenmo greeted with a smile: "Lord Yanling Are you here too?"

Yan Heng nodded slightly, and didn't say much, he really hated these people from Yuwen's family.

Chu Yunxi answered Chu Wang Yu Wenmo's mouth and said: "We want to see if this young lady who wants to marry into the Yanling Palace is innocent. If she is innocent, that's all. It's really shameless."

When it came to the end, Chu Yunxi sneered, Yu Wenmo's eyes darkened for a moment, looking at these two, he always felt that today's excitement was something to watch.

However, seeing the predicament of the Shao family, Yu Wenmo was startled. If the Shao family is like this, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi could not have made the move.

He also sent people to kill these two people before, so they won't settle accounts with him.

Chu Wang Yu Wenmo was troubled in his heart. He originally wanted to win Yan Heng over, but Yan Heng wanted him to write a hand letter. If this hand letter fell into his hands, he would be afraid in the future. Things are a little troublesome.

Yu Wenmo was absent-minded, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went into their own private room.

As soon as they entered the private room and sat down, there was a commotion downstairs. It turned out that Shao Qingzhu, the young lady of the Shao family, appeared. .

Chu Yunxi raised his head and looked out the window, just in time to see Shao Qingzhu walking in wearing a veil and a plain shirt.

Shao Qingzhu happened to look up at the second floor at this moment, and saw Chu Yunxi at the window on the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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