Chapter 835 Intentions Are Too Insidious
It can be said that the downstairs exploded, and everyone described Shao Qingzhu as a rare slut in the world. The key point is that she still has a bit of shame, and this woman has no shame at all.

She is obviously not innocent, but she still wants to enter the Yan family with a broken body. It is really wishful thinking. They just said, why does she want to enter the Yan family as a concubine when she is clearly a lady of the Shao family? No one has heard of it before. She said that she liked King Yanling, but it turned out that she didn't like him at all, but found someone to take over.

This woman's intentions are too sinister.

The Shao family was totally shameless today, even King Qin Yu Wenyi was ashamed, and at the same time his heart was full of gloom, even if his cousin was framed by someone, but at this point, King Qin would not Maybe he wants her, and he thinks she has no brains.

When Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng went downstairs, they were stopped by Shao Lingchen from the Shao family.

Shao Lingchen said with a gloomy face: "Princess Yanling, you are too bullying. Sister She is just a weak woman."

Princess Yanling's life will be over for her younger sister.

Chu Yunxi looked at Shao Lingchen with a sneer: "Mr. Shao is not very old, and his brain is not good. Have you forgotten who started these things? Remember, I, Chu Yunxi, do not bully, but I am a bully." Don't be afraid, if you bully me, I will pay her back double."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he left with Yan Heng. Afterwards, Shao Lingchen was angry and desperate. Did the Shao family do something wrong this time?

The Shao family was completely ruined this time, and Shao Qingzhu's reputation was also ruined.

In Nuo Da's capital, everyone was talking about this matter, and the Shao family seemed to be a joke.

Chu Yunxi originally thought that the queen would order her to enter the palace and cause trouble for her, but she didn't expect that this time the woman could hold back and didn't say a word.

Just as the Shao family incident was raging, another incident spread in the capital.

Prince Yanling and Princess Yanling will get married in three days.

Big wedding?

Everyone was surprised. They thought they heard it wrong at first. Didn't they get married?Why hold another big wedding.

Did I hear it wrong, and then I asked around before and after, and then I was sure, yes, it will be a big wedding in three days.

I heard that this time the wedding was supported by the prince of Yanling, because during the first big wedding, the princess of Yanling crashed into it, and neither of them paid homage. The prince felt very sorry for the princess, so he held it again with the princess. A big wedding.

Many officials in the capital have received invitations from the Yanling Prince's Mansion, but of course it is impossible for the Shao family to receive them.

Not only did the Shao family not receive it, but neither did King Qin Yu Wenyi.

In Prince Qin's mansion, Yu Wenyi was furious and smashed many things.

The King of Chu received an invitation from the Palace of Yanling. After receiving the invitation, His Royal Highness the King of Chu thought it was Yan Heng's hand of friendship thrown at him. .

So King Chu summoned his staff overnight to discuss this matter, whether to join hands with King Yanling to take the throne, or go to the opposite side of King Yanling, and finally the staff agreed that it is better to join forces with King Yanling, this person is really too difficult to deal with Now, if you become an enemy with him, it is really not worth the loss.

In the end, the king of Chu also recognized this reason, and led two of his subordinates into Yanheng's courtyard in the southern suburbs overnight, and sincerely expressed his willingness to cooperate with Yanheng, and His Highness King Chu decisively issued a hand order to Yanheng, The general idea is that after His Royal Highness the King of Chu assumes the throne, he will never do anything to Yan Heng and the Yan family's army.

(End of this chapter)

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